Chapter 39

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I'm so sorry I didn't update on Wednesday, thank you for all the votes and comments on the last chapter. Much appreciated !

Chapter 39

*Sydney's P.O.V*

A relatively tall man in a button up white shirt and black trousers towered over me. He jutted his neck out and scratched at the back of his neck. I noticed little black letters encrypted on his palm reading 'Miss Martin'. He had a full head of gray hair and his blue baby eyes seemed earning for me to reply his smile.

"I'm here to pick you up," He instructed.

"May I ask who you are...I mean I don't typically hitch a ride with strangers who demand me to come with them," I scuffed my feet on the floor behind me glancing down not wanting to see his hurt expression. If this was my birthday surprise I was awfully confused.

"My apologies, Miss-"

"You can call me Sydney," I corrected.

"Sydney, I didn't mean to catch you in the way that I would be demanding you anything. I do apologize."

"No, no. I was basically asking you who the heck you are," I blushed wildly. One of his hands lay on his mid back, the other by his left side.

"Oh. I'm so foolish! I'm one directions cheafur." He corrected.

"Oh, so Niall instructed you to drive me to wherever my birthday surprise may lie?"

"Exactly," He smiled a wide toothy grin seeing I finally understood.

"Well, I would tell you I can drive myself but you seem like a nice guy. I'll come with you," I teased. He nodded and I followed him outside the building where some girls were holding pens and paper. When they saw me there mouths drove into a frown. A few of them questioned me whether or not one of the boys was present with me. I just shook my head.

"S-Sydney," A little girl quizzed by the limo that stood in all its glamour in front of me. I was to in shock by the huge car to feel a little girl tugging on my pant leg. "Can I have a picture?"

"Me?" I retorted. She nodded shyly. She couldn't be any older than seven. Her mother stood lurking over her child as she cradled an Iphone. "But, little girl, I'm no one special."

"Yes you are. You're the girl Niall loves," She grinned proudly. Her words panged me in the heart as she spoke. I nodded shyly before bending down next to her and smiling at the camera. I don't know why her words has such a large effect on me but something felt like ice burning through my insides. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. The word love replayed in my head over and over again. If it had been a girl my age or a teen at the least I would have explained that there is no such thing but I didn't want to discourage the little girl from dreaming about her prince. That wasn't my duty to pursue.

"How far are we going, anyway?" I inquired through the little glass separator. I would have preferred to sit up front with who he said his name was Princeton. But I guess Niall wouldn't be to happy. It was my birthday after all.

"I would tell you, Miss Martin. I really would but Niall politely demanded I keep it confidential,"

"Understood," I sighed leaning against the cold glass of the window. As we sped down the streets of down town London my phone began to make a buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and pressed the 'Answer' button to then press it to my cheek.


"Hi Syd!" I heard a bunch of voices scream. There were definitely a few girl voices mixed in. I would say they were in a bar but the sounds of the heart breaking music seemed to not exist.

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