Chapter 26

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I should really hurry up this story considering we're at chapter 26 and I still have so much more to write. Hope you guys are as excited as I am!

There will be some more Siall in this chapter.

#Siall, I ship it (:

Chapter 26

*Sydney's P.O.V*

Sitting silently after Niall had left my place led me to more anxiety throughout my body. Niall had earlier warned me that I should be expecting a call from any of the girls about talking. Personally, I didn't want too. I was lonely; very lonely. It was hard to not always be around the fantastic 4 and to have Harry want to practically bite my head off every time he saw me wasn't much of a plus. Harry was always a rude catch with the flirting and everything. Of course I had him pegged as a man whore right off the bat but he seemed like we would get along enough that we wouldn't despise each other to that non existent level I keep mentioning.

Minute after minute past by with no phone call. I decided to take the liberty of getting my mind off such stress my watching some Americas next top model. Hey, its funny to watch them cry there little hearts out. After a good hour of hysterical laughing at such drama queens I felt my phone buzz next to me.

From Abby: 10 minutes, my place, be there.

Don't you just love blunt demands? Tiredness had become my main priority considering it was gaining on ten o clock at night.  I decided to let the stress subside and muck my way towards my bedroom. I drew the shades, grabbed my laptop, and opened up itunes. I just needed music to soothe myself to sleep. The feeling of my dry throat and tear encrusted eyes from the laughing I scanned my choices of albums. Pink Floyd, The Black Keys, Aerosmith, and Ed Sheeran. I settled on Demi Lovato's new album that I had bought recently but hadn't had the chance to properly listen to. It was wonders considering all I've done the past week was sleep and eat my concussion away. I slumped back into bed pulled my duvet up to my cheek and fell right asleep.

The next time I woke up the same singer's voice was still blaring out of my computer. I slammed it shut and shoved myself out of the comfortable bed. Checking my phone I was unhappy to see several misshapen messages from Abbey.

From Abby: Where are you?

From Abby: You're late, what a surprise.

From Abby: Are you sleeping around with some boy? What fucking rock are you sleeping under?

From Abby: I swear if you don't show up I'm going to be more pissed than ever.

The last few messages were sent minutes ago and since it was about eleven I still had time to head over. I wasn't in the mood to pick another fight but I thought I may as well get it over with. I mean, I'm not getting any younger. I sent her a very strong worded message on how she can wait and I would be over in a bit.

I rushed to the bathroom, slapped some foundation and concealer around my baggy eyes. I lathered some mascara and lip gloss on and rushed to find some clean clothing. Smelly large sweatshirts were scattered around the room and I knew it would be impossible to find anything decent.

I finally found a black silky jumper and mint green skinny jeans. I searched all over for my combat boots but my closet was too cluttered. I finally just slipped on my studded black Grecian sandals and headed out the door with my car and everything.

I was practically running by the time I was a few blocks away from Abbey's flat. Exhausted, drained, tired were just a few words to describe how I was feeling. I entered the door to her apartment building and the doorman nodded at me. His eyes looked just as droopy as mine felt. I waited feeling quite nauseous in the elevator before the familiar ding sounded. I hastily knocked on her door which surprisingly swung sharply open before my knuckles hit the door. I stepped inside noticing all the other girls had already arrived sitting too formally at the dining table.

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