Chapter 45

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Just for the hint; I am overly uncomfortable with writing anything with the inappropriate sense of this kind so I would appreciate if you understood that I needed someone else to write this.

Unfortunately, I will not reveal his/her name or user name under strictly anonymous reasons.

Just make sure you understand this chapter was under no circumstances written by me. All the credit goes to who wrote it and I completely understand to why he/she does not want to be revealed.

So enjoy the chapter; just don't comment something stupid like 'ew' 'gross' or something immature like that. Grow up, please and thank you.

Chapter 45

"Are we really doing this?" I breathed out, the tips of my wording ending in high pitched yelps. Niall's mouth was tightly clung onto my neck as he began to pleasure me with his tongue.

"Are you okay? Do you want to stop?" Niall pulled away breathlessly, frantically searching my face for answers. I was alarmed that what I had said had put him off in any way possible. The only thing that could come from my mouth was a gulped shake of my head. The reasons for his actions was his knee tightly wedged in between my thighs. "Just tell me if you want too stop."

"Just get on with it," I let out a huge blow of air as he dug his knee farther into my crotch. I knew he was purposefully teasing me because of the huge smirk on his face. His actions bellowed his lack of humility. He placed his elbows next to my head as we lad back down on the matress of Niall's bed.

Niall's Bed.

The one we were about to have sex on or sleep together on or whatever he wanted to call it. I was to focused on his lips on mine. My eye's stupidly stayed hinged open as his lips caressed over mine. His eyes opened to join mine giving my body a wicked sensation.

It was indescribable. It was surreal in a way no other person could do it. His mouth was still completely attached to mind as I slammed my eyes shut in embarrassment. He slid his tongue inside my mouth placing it right underneath the bridge of my mouth. I joined my tongue with his as we continued a sloppy kiss. I felt his hand remove itself from the side of my forehead and slide up the spine of my back. Shivers sent ripples up the skin as his hand slowly an painfully trailed up my body. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss as he gave me a comforting rub.


Always the cute and sensitive one. He cared about how I felt, what he was doing to me. If it made me feel good. The only problem with such a turn on trait was he was always interrogating me during the sex. A bit awkward if you ask me. Sometimes he just wouldn't shut up. But I managed to keep his lips moving on mine long enough so he didn't peep a word.

I felt his hand twist on the fabric aching into my skin. The loose sensation of the silk was removed from my body as he peeled my bra away.

"Purple. I like it," He grins taking a breath from the kiss. I couldn't respond when he did that. He purposefully liked to embarrass me because it entertained him. The way my cheeks would turn to a rose like color. He could pinch them for hours if he could. He moved his large palm to the front of my chest and began to cares my body.

This was much different from New Year's Eve. To spare you the details we were both drunk, probably high on the fumes that leaked from Abbey's apartment building. I barely remembered any of the ongoing's that occurred that night. The only thing that kept reminding myself was it was fast. It was fast and rough and meaningless.

This wasn't.

He palmed at my chest before he removed his mouth from mine. He took both his hands around my hip bones to move them up. He pressed kisses along my pants line before lifting my shirt off my body. He took a minute to endure the sight in front of himself. It was quite obvious he was getting a hard on. He toppled back onto me before attaching his warm lips to my naked chest. I wasn't self conscious about him seeing me like this. Even while I was staying here he had walked in on me changing a few times. I liked making fun of him for such but overall it didn't bother me.

We are both human. Adam and Eve were made naked and to live each other. Of course there is always the side of the story about him eventually knocking her up but either way Niall and I were perusing a similar action. Minus the pregnancy of course.

One of his hands pried themselves from my chest as I nearly bellowed his name. He hadn't even barely touched me and I was already yelping. I don't even want to explain what's going on down stairs. His hand slowly slides down to the top of my pants he rubs circles over my hip bone before nearly murdering me in all one swipe. His hand now lay on the top of my heat. He pushed his finger down causing my hips to buck and my mind to jumble.

"No foreplay tonight, please." I beg. I need him. Just him, nothing else.

"But teasing you is the best part. The way you just reacted to me...its so sudden." He breaths out stripping my pants down off my legs.

"There will be another time," I barely whisper. I don't know why that came out, it just did. Right now I didn't care if I meant it. I didn't care if that meant I was sticking around I just wanted to be as close to that boy as possible.

"If that's what it takes, than I'll take that chance anyday." He spoke. I nodded before moving my body to pin him down. My pantless body straddled his fully clothed one making my eyes nearly undress him before me.

"Lets get a few layers off, shall we?" I grin. His eyes are very startled. I didn't think he was used to me taking the lead. I press a kiss to his jaw bone, his harsh breath releasing into the air. I removed his shirt swiftly before his pants went as well. I knew he would enjoy seeing me give him a blow job but I didn't want to screw up. It made me flash back to when Evan would force me to pleasure him. Now that I think of it he always just went right to the sex. Didn't waste any time for foreplay. So in reality, it was quite a foreign topic to me. Probably not to Niall.

"Everything okay?" He questions sitting up a bit. I hadn't realized I was taking a moment to think so hard. I nodded before giving him a small smile. There goes the shy me. He grins back before pinning my body before his. This was just becoming a game to him.

He pecked my lips once before retrieving a small foil packet from his night stand. He slid it onto himself with ease. It made me wonder how many times he had done that before girls. It's not like he was a man whore, now Harry was. I nearly wanted to make myself vomit as the face of Harry appeared in my head. That was not the man I wanted in my brain as Niall entered into me.

All thoughts had vanished as he began to pump in and out. The only sounds that entered the room's were yelps and moans. The bed frame shook and my feet curled.

With all my strength, which wasn't a lot. I attempted to shove him lightly backwards. He nearly fell over with his not good stance. I wrapped my legs to around the bottom of his spine and began to bounce up and down. I had never done this before, I had seen it in a mature rated movie in the theater with the girls but never before had I done it. It was foreign. But such an incredible foreign. Niall's moan increased as I continued to shift my hips foreword. He moved up and down to meet my hips in the middle. He swirled around in circles to create an even better feeling.

"N-Niall. Do that again," I yelp.

"What? This?" He smirks digging deeper into me then I thought anyone could before. Not that I had much to compare too.

Minute after minute went but with continuous pleasure. It was even better before. The complete alertness and the fact it was my second time with him made everything so much more intense.

As my muscles tensed and my heart rate increased I reached my high before he finished soon after me. I collapsed onto his chest not having the energy to turn to the right side of the bed. We seemed to be in silent agree. I looked up at him gently and whispered, "Thank you." He didn't reply. He just kissed my forehead before draping his arms over my sweaty body.

Authors Note:

10 comments & 5 votes for next update before next Sunday x

I'm getting my braces of tomorrow and omygod I'm so excited.


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