Chapter 31

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A/N; I honestly don't know if anyones reading this fanfiction. I mean; I have over 1,000 reads but compared to other stories thats very minimal. I don't know if I should really continue this.

I love writing and I love you guys...but I woud love you a bit more if you weren't as invisible. Please vote and comment. It really makes me happy. I want to know how I can make this better or if you guys simply just liked it. Tell me.

So, I was hoping; 10 votes and 5 comments for next chapter?



Chapter 31

*Sydney's P.O.V*

My hands shook like crazy as my heart racked in my rib cage. I felt the harsh wind blow up my hair from my neck. The little hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up one by one. If anything I would of thought I was putting my self in the scenery of a horror movie. For gosh sake it seemed like it. The suspense was killing me on the future events that I was going to pursue. It was my aunt; I was going to be living, breathing, sleeping, and eating in the same room with the aunt that hated me. That hated her sister. The Aunt that at christmas time no one would talk to because her children were too bratty. The Aunt that would hand out cookies to everyone except me because she said I had to lose weight. I was seven years old.

I hadn't really seen or visited her for nearly five years. The last time I remember every speaking to her in person was the year before I left for college. She anomynalsly attended my graduation; she wasn't invited. My parents were never very fond of her. Especially my father. My Aunt expected every man was the god gift of evil. She expected me to know that they were all the same, that they would break your heart. No one really tried to explain to her how just because her first husband passed away and her second left her that doesn't mean everyones men experience is all bad. My parents are an example of that. They love eachother dearly; but somehow my Aunt just seems right. Thats where I got the whole love doesn't exsist thing from. My Aunt. As mean and horrid as she was her reasoning wasn't as absurd as people thought. She was right; friends stayed forever until they became a love interest. After that once a heart break comes into the picture they're gone. Forever.

I looked back at my apartment complex smiling weakly at the doorman who waved shyly at me. It was terribly hard to just pack up all my things and walk down those stairs with nearly two box's full of my things. I didn't want to take my comforter, it reminded me to much of all the sleepovers I had with Amanda. I didn't want to take any of the pictures I pondered on smashing so many times. The only photograph that lay in one of the pairs of box's was Niall and I. We were simply smiling at a park. I remember that day perfectly because Niall had convinced me into going on a carosel that was made for ten year olds. You can bet I got a lot of weird and distasteful looks. Right afterwards he questioned an older couple to take our photo. He told me, "Memories last forever. But a picture is always better." I laughed.

I placed the two box's in the back of the trunk of my car. Slammed it shut and winced at the sounds of scraping metal. Niall had always told me to get a new car, he said he could buy me a completely new lexus if he wanted to. I wouldn't and I couldn't let him spend any money on me like that. He has already done so much. Mostly not giving up on me after the whole friend crisis thing. As of now he was the one person I missed the most. I missed Amanda with bits and peices of my being but it was enough to carry on without bawling my eyes out. That little blonde lepracaun was a different story. I just wanted to call him up and exclaim how much I missed him. How much I wanted to spend the next two months with him even if I knew it wasn't possible.

Being the best friend of a world known sensation sucked.

I strided across the blacktop, opened the car door and slid in with ease. The air was getting warmer so I strayed my coat to the passenger seat agacent from me. I started the car not daring to look back again for I feared I would become to emotional. I pulled myself together by turning on the radio to some very obnoxious and loud one direction music. In all honesty, I tried to allow their music to grow on me but I just wasn't into it as much as I enjoyed a band like Linkin Park or The Lumineers.

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