Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

*Sydney's P.O.V*

"He completely blew me off & that hurts you know?" Abbey babbled mindlessly on about how THE Harry Styles stood her up. When I say 'stood her up' I mean called her saying he just wanted to be friends and had a different girl back home. I couldn't help but cackle inside. If any emotion besides pure and utter sorrow for her whiny butt I would be receiving a nice long lecture on how I wasn't being a good friend.

Remind me why I became friends with her?


I stuffed the contents of my backpack hurriedly as the bell went off. Upperclassmen crowded the halls spotting out any helpless freshmen as target.

It was the first day of school.

To be exact, it was my first day of freshmen year. I had little jeans with my converse and a white peplum. Trying to look nice for once was kind of a habit for the first day of school. Being the new kid sucked. My parents could afford for me to go to private school so that's what they finally chose.

What THEY chose. Not me. I had no say in the decision besides whether or not I wanted to board. They had already signed me up for the track team and all AP courses. I wasn't dumb, but I didn't apply myself as well as my parents expected me too.

Meeting all the extremely strict faces as I joined the empty classrooms of nerds & dorks seemed like endless torture. It's not like I was judging them on their looks but they were actually REALLY mean. They pushed you and if you didn't know an answer they would rush to push out the answer. Otherwise they would stare at you like you were an alien creature from another planet.

They really shouldn't be talking.

Last class of the day; AP Algebra 2. I was expecting more slumps with glasses and braces until I reached a table filled with 2 girls who looked relatively normal. One had a hot pink jacket on with white denims while  the other had a sequoise dress.

"Can I sit here?" I inquired fingering at the fabric on my shoulder bag.

"Go right ahead," The red head grimaced patting the red seat next to her. At first both of them seamed like facade beauty models, but I came to realize both of them were relatively smart.

Throughout the year we would have weekly study session sleepovers which mostly consisted of the sleepover part rather than studying. We all made it through with a passing grade that got us into sophomore year. From there we were best friends.

~End of Flashback~

"Hello?" She waved her manicured hands in front of my face giving me a dumb-witted look.

"S-sorry," I came out of my trance as I turned to focus on her again.

"As I was saying, I just don't get why he couldn't have mentioned something about it before I basically slept with him!" She tossed her hands in the air as I choked on my drink almost spitting out the ice.

"You slept with him?" I regurgitated at the thought. Usually this wouldn't have come to a surprise but they both seamed friendly and not like sexual. I thought they would stick around for a while.

"Practically," She explained.

"Its either you did or didn't. Its not like it can just be in halfway-"

"Enough! Keep it PG please!" She exclaimed getting up from the couch in my living area. We had spent the majority of the afternoon hearing each other out on our issues. More like I had to hear her gripe for the next 3 hours. "Anyway, we just had a heated make out sesh that's all,"

I breathed out deeply holding my hand to my chest. "Well this has been a day well spent. But I really should clean up this mess. . "

"Since when have you been interested in cleaning this mess of yours?" She picked up a left over pizza cover from last Friday giving me a 'are you serious' look.

"I've had a sudden spurt of inspiration," I defended. She rolled her eyes dropping it back to the ground.

"If this is your way of telling me to leave then you can just say so,"

"Its not like that," I grabbed onto her wrist. "Okay, maybe it is. I just need some alone time."

"To do what? Play Video games?"

"No," I nervously said fumbling with my fingers in my lap.

"Tomorrow night, the boys and us girls are going out again to a new club down town that just opened up. Care to join?" She inquired packing up her things dropping off the origninal subject we were on. It seemed like she always was up and ready to leave. She was more busy then I was. I didn't mind, I liked living a life where you were having too much fun to worry.

"Specific attire?"

"Something casual yet fancy,"

"Makes total sense," I scoffed.

"See you later, babe." She blew a kiss at me then exiting swiftly through my door way. I scanned my room making a weird sound with my cheek and swallowing down my saliva.

"Its not that dirty," I mocked kicking a plastic cup away from my foot.

*Niall's P.O.V*

"Nialler, the ladies want to go clubbing at some new bar down town tomorrow night. You in?" Harry inquired down the hall. The boys' and I were having a video game show down with C.O.D. untill I realized how late it was getting. I exclaimed to them that they could stay and make themselves comfortable while I took a shower.

I had just gotten out droplets still running off my torso. I ran my fingers through my blond hair walking towards the curly boy. He handed me the phone then running his hand to the bottom of my towel tearing it down.

"Harry!" I snatched it back feeling crimson red fill my cheeks.

"Everything okay?" The high-pitched voice inquired through the telephone.

"Yeah," I cleared my throat. "I'm fine."

"That's great," She sounded so overly happy. Exclaiming each word with another 'uh' sound. "So you in for tomorrow?"

"Aye, sounds like fun to me."

"Great! We'll meet you guys at say, 9:00?"

"Sure, love." I plainly retorted holding the phone in between my shoulder and the nape of my neck. "The rest of the ladies joining?"

"Only if you want them too," She giggled obnoxiously.

"That would be my preference,"

"You're so funny," She jeered giggling some more.

"Um, thanks. Well see you later, Abbey."

"It's Abs remember?" She said with a more serious tone.

"Oh, sorry. Bye, Abs." I choked out uncomfortably. The only thing I didn't quite enjoy about hanging out with those 4 girls was Abbey. Her super light-hearted common speach made me naucious at times. I even wanted to rip out those locks and shove them in her mouth so she would shut up.

I had to keep telling myself to play nice.

To play nice for Sydney.

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