Party & Alcohol

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Casey’s POV:

            Everyone started showing up at the barn by 6:30. We invited the whole senior class and then some, plus a group of Matt’s friends so it wouldn’t be all high schoolers. I started recognizing more of my classmates but some of them I only knew from passing in the hallways. I finally realized that neither Alex nor Nathan had gotten here but I didn’t panic. Instead I saw Erica and Ashley from Chemistry and stated to reminisce about out four years of high school.

            A couple minutes passed by and you could hear Nathans truck pull up and as they jumped out, I saw Cameron hop out the back.

            “I told you she would crumble!” Alex shouted as she walked over. I just shoke my head but didn’t complain because it was out last Sunday night as seniors.

            I started realizing more people who I’ve never seen before but three particular people caught my eye; Jackson, Craig, and Kelsey. I looked over at Matt and he just shrugged his shoulders so I walked over.

            “Hey Kelsey. What brings you here?”

            “Oh just heard you were having a party, as Jason doesn’t know how to keep his mouth closed, so I invited Jackson and Craig with me.” Kelsey smiled and walked toward the coolers.

            “Hey Jackson. Didn’t think I’d ever see you again.” I smiled up at him and gave him a hug.

            “Casey-Case you should know me way better than that. I wouldn’t miss your party for the world.” He knew my cousin was the only one who called me that as he walked behind Kelsey. I just glared at Craig as he passed by and dragged his hand across my waist.

            I turned around and walked toward Matt and hugged him. “Thank you once again.” I walked away to find Alex and Cam.

Alex’s POV:

            I saw Jackson walking around and held Nathan closer. He didn’t realize as I wasn’t letting go. He looked around and spotted him.

            “Don’t worry about him baby girl. You’ll be with me the whole time.” I smiled as he comforted me and I saw Case walking towards us.

            “So y’all need to party hard and make this night fun. Drinking water is boring but I really need to watch myself. There is plenty of beer in the back of my truck if you need more. Just don’t show anybody where my secret stash is. And don’t forget nobody is allowed in the attic of the barn. Papa Wilton would kill me if anybody got up there.” Case looked at Cam and I.

            “Girl, you can trust us. Now let’s turn up the music and get this party started!” I yelled and pulled Nathan and Cam with me to get some drinks.

*Hour Later*

            A loud bang and screaming startled me to look around to see what was going on. A crowd of teenagers surrounded in a circle as I made my way to the center. Craig had a gun in his hand and Matt was lying on top of Casey.

            “What the hell happened here!?” I ran toward Matt and Casey.

            “That son of a bitch stole Casey away from me. She doesn’t deserve a man who cannot be there for her. I was trying to get rid of him.” Craig smirked and pointed the gun at Matt.

            I saw that he had already been shot at in the shoulder and Casey was holding onto it tight. “You already shot at him?”

            “Yeah because he wasn’t coming closer and Casey stood in front of him.”

            “Someone, please call 911. This is a complete disaster.”

Casey’s POV:

            The ambulance showed up and Craig was arrested. Matt’s shoulder had some damage but not enough to potentially kill him. We went to the hospital for him to get stitches and to stay overnight to make sure no other signs would show up.

            “I’m so sorry. I should have kicked him out when I saw him and Kelsey. It was my mistake in not taking control and letting him in. Damn it!”

            Matt layed there fast asleep as I was trying to calm myself down but the doctor walked in as tears streamed down my face.

            “Casey, can I have a word with you outside?”

            I walked away from the bed side and closed the door shut.

            “Please tell me everything is good news. I don’t want to hear anything bad.”

            “Casey, Matt will be fine. It’s you I’m worried about. You keep pacing back and forth and I can tell you hate yourself. Look. What Craig did was not your fault. He reacted in a way that was uncalled for. I take full responsibility for his mistake and wish that I would have never showed him the gun safe. But I can’t stop him from using his own gun. I promise there will not be a next time. But please, keep in touch and Jackson sure does miss you. Look out for him too. I know he has gotten into some bad things but I need him to stay out of jail.” Mr. King said.

            “Thanks and I will definitely keep an eye out for Jackson.” I smiled and walked back into Matt’s room and layed down next to him.

Cam’s POV:

            Alex and I stayed behind to clean up the barn as Nathan and Kevin left to go check on Matt. I looked over at Alex and could tell she was still so uptight about the whole Jackson and Craig being there.

            “Girl, come on. Pay attention. I know you freaked when Jackson walked up but that’s old news. You know damn well you love Nathan and he loves you. Don’t pull that pull shit with me that you think you may have feelings for Jackson. You were drunk and lost control but I can guarantee that Jackson wasn’t drunk and knew what he was doing. We’re almost done cleaning up. Please please please cheer up!”

            Alex turned toward me with tear filled eyes as I pulled her in and gave her a hug.

Kelsey’s POV:

            I got back to the house without Craig and felt so weird. Craig and I bonded and have not left each other’s side. But Casey, who gets everything she wants, sent him to jail for shooting Matt. Well in my eyes, Casey should have just gone back to Craig and left Matt in the dust. My phone rang right as I layed down on my bed.


            ‘Baby girl! Thank god you know to answer. Please come bail me out.’

            “Craig! Hun, you know I don’t have the money to bail you out. What about your parents? Don’t they know you’re in there?”

            ‘Dad is at the hospital and mom says I deserve it. Baby, you know it was an accident. You saw him lung at me. Please baby girl.’

            I didn’t know what to do but I knew Craig didn’t belong in a jail cell. “I’m on my way Craig."

*Twenty Minutes Later

            Five hundred dollars out of my savings and into the officers’ hands as Craig came out of the door smiling.

            “Do you know how much I love you?”

            “Whatever Craig. You owe me.”

            Craig stood there furious as he swung and smacked my face. “Don’t ever talk to me like that. I’m your man and you should be thankful to have me out of that jail cell. Now I will not pay you back as I have already done enough for you.”

            I nodded my head as I headed to the Hummer. I drove Craig home and kissed him before he walked inside. I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into but he has been there for me since I moved to this place, more that Casey ever has. 

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