Southern By Birth

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Matt’s POV:


Tables? Check. Chairs? Check. DJ Booth? Check. Playlist? Check. Food? Check. Decorations? Check. Jake’s picture beside the cake? Check. Casey’s surprise? Check! Everythin’ was in place and ready to roll. The guest started comin’ in around five and things were startin’ to blend in.

‘Is it alright if I head over now? –J’

‘Yeah bud. Everythin’ is a go! –M’


*Thirty Minutes Later*


            “Cut the lights! They’re comin’ down the road!”

            Casey came down the dirt road goin’ her normal sixty and kickin’ up the mud. Everyone hid behind the hay barrels and kept quiet.

            “Matt! You in here!”

            “SURPRISE!” Everyone jumped out and the music started with Merry Go Round.

            “I hate you so much Mathew James Wilton!” She yelled at me but then again she jumped into my arms and gave me a kiss.

            “Hey now! We helped too!” Alex and Cam came runnin’ towards her. The three girls gave each other a group huge.

            “Let’s get this party started!” Casey went to the middle of the barn and started dancin’. She was laughin’ and havin’ fun. I could tell that this really did brighten up her mood.

            I was walkin’ to grab a beer from the back on my Chevy when someone jumped on my back.

            “I don’t know how many times I’m gonna say it but I love you.” Case wrapped her arms around my neck.

            “I know babe. Just wanted to throw you a lil get together.”

            “A lil get together? Dude, you’ve got two hundred plus people in that barn. You’re AMAZING!”

            Case jumped down and looked up at me. It was so cute seein’ her dark brown eyes lookin’ up at me. Bein’ 6’2” gave me the advantage of bendin’ down and givin’ her a kiss.

            “Get back in here love birds! You’re gonna miss Cotton Eye Joe!” A was yellin’.


*Five Hours Later*


            The party died down and now I had to clean up the mess.

            “Babe, just leave it for tomorrow. Let’s go get some sleep.”

            “What about the coons, dear?”

            “Forget ‘em. I wanna go to bed.”

            We hopped in the back on my Silverado and bundled up in the blankets.

            “So did you like your surprise?”

            “Which one? The party or my truck parts?”


            “I loved it all. And I love you the most for thinkin’ about me this year and doin’ this. I know we’ve had a lot of things goin’ on from me bein’ pregnant to Jake’s one year and then the drama with Kelsey but in the end you showed me that you are here for anythin’. Thank you for bein’ who you are.”

            We looked up at the stars and made different figures. Case finally started fallin’ asleep on my chest and we both held each other tight.

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