The Party Begins

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Casey’s POV:

            Surprise, Surprise! I don’t have a hangover! Well how about a background check. I’m eighteen and a senior in high school. I drive a Chevy Avalanche and get wasted every weekend. I have two amazing friends and a guy who loves me. My parents are the best and you may say I’m spoiled but I work for what I want. Daddy’s money doesn’t pay for anythin’ that I want because I work just as much on the farm and earn money every way possible.

            “Casey! Breakfast!” Momma yelled up the stars.

            I trudged down the stairs in his sweatpants and sweatshirt. I turned the corner and saw Kelsey sittin’ in Jason’s spot.

            “Casey, this is your cousin Kelsey. Your gonna show her around town today, and don’t ditch her.” Daddy told me.

            “I won’t but Kelsey do you mind if five others join us today?” I looked at Kelsey hopin’ that she wouldn’t mind.

            “Yeah that’s fine. I need to meet friends anyways, right?” She smirked and went back to eatin’.

*Thirty Minutes Later*

            Breakfast was done and I went to get dressed. I text babe, Alex, Cam, Nathan, and Kevin.

            ‘Meet me at the Wharf in thirty! –C’

            Kelsey was already dressed and standin’ by the Silverado with her arms crossed and a lil bit of an attitude.

            “Oh no darlin’ that’s daddy’s truck. We’re takin’ the Avalanche.” I laughed and walked pass her.

            “No way in hell am I getting in that filthy thing and it’s loud. Hell No!”

            “Well then I’m guessin’ your stayin’ here darlin’ because this is my truck. All it has is straight pipes with a v8 motor. It ain’t that loud. If you don’t like it, then you don’t have to come.” I smiled and jumped up into my truck.

            Kelsey walked to the passenger side and struggled to get in.

            “How the hell do you get in without running boards? You need to lower this son of a bitch!” Kelsey kept complaining, so I went and gave her a boost tryin’ not to laugh.

            “Girl, if you live here for the next three years, you’re gonna have to get use to jacked up trucks and the noise.”

            I got in the driver seat and turned the truck on. I forgot that I left the music blarin’ from last night so Kelsey was screamin’ at me to turn it down, but did I listen? Nope.

*Fifteen Minutes Later*

            We finally got to the Wharf and two sexy trucks were parked next to one another. One was babes and the other was Kevin’s. Everyone stepped out at the same time except for Kelsey, who was scared to jump down.

            “For petes sake! Just jump already.” My truck, also known as babyboy, had a lift kit of three feet on 35 mud tires, equalin’ it out to be four feet higher than original.

            “Bull shit! I could hurt myself!”

            “Well darlin’ then you’re hangin’ out with the wrong crowd!” Babe yelled and laughed into my neck.

            The gang walked to the pier and sat down. Kelsey finally got out the truck and joined us but you could tell she was still confused.

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