Just Try

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Casey’s POV:

            Kelsey started to get on my nerves. She always had to be there and wouldn’t make friends. I’m her big sister now and she looked up to me. It is cool havin’ a younger sister but at the same time I wish she just disappeared. Jason was never like this and I swear he better not turn into this.

            “So where are we going today?”

            “Jason has baseball so I’m takin’ him while you stay here.”

            “Why can’t I go?”

            “Because you’ve got homework.”

            “It’s you have homework.”

            “That’s correct and that’s why you’re stayin’ home and doin’ you school work.”

            I got in my truck and drove off to 7District for my brothers’ baseball practice.

            “I can tell you don’t really like her.”

            “Jason, you don’t even know. I love havin’ you as a brother and the gang loves it when you tag along but Kelsey is always there. You come when you’re not with your friends or when you have free time. Kelsey comes whenever and wherever. I’m just gettin’ sick and tired of it.”

            “Then do somethin’ about it.”


            “Lock her in her room like you use to do to me when I was younger and you didn’t want me in your things.”

            “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe you still remember that. I may have to try that. Thanks bro.”

            “Anytime sis!”

            “Go big or go home!” I yelled outta the truck window as J ran towards the field. J and I could always talk about anythin’. He is there for me like I am for him. We have a four year age difference but that doesn’t stop us from talkin’ to one another. I loved takin’ him places and havin’ him tag along when the gang was doin’ somethin’ fun, like bowlin’ or the movies. He is the younger sibling that I will always love and care for.

Kelsey’s POV:

            I’m starting to think Casey doesn’t like me much. I mean yeah I hang out with her friends but they are the only ones that talk to me. I try to jut talk to her but ever since she announced that she is pregnant, everyone has stopped talking to me.

            I sat in my room doing my homework once Matt knocked on my door.

            “Casey is at the ball park.”

            “I know. I’m here to drop off some boxes and to tell you to stop buggin’ Case. She has a lot on her plate right now and she doesn’t need a fifteen year old buggin’ her.”

            “All I do is try to help her but all you guys think I’m bugging her. Just go away. I’m doing my school work.”

            Matt walked away and I could finally breathe. How could that good looking of a man be with Casey? I wish I would have said something because I think he wants me too.

Matt’s POV:

            “Hey Hun. Your boxes are sittin’ on your bed.”

            ‘Thanks. What about Kelsey?’

            “She told me that she is tryin’ to help you, and then she kicked me out.”

            ‘Right now I really don’t care but thanks anyways. See ya tonight.’

            I could tell she wasn’t happy and I wanted to cheer her up.

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