Entering Room 101

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 Hannah's POV

 "Hannah wake up," I can tell its Sean trying to wake me. When the hell did I fall asleep? I opened my eyes to find my head resting on his lap with his coat around me. OK when did that happen?

 "How long have I been asleep," I enquired while slowly getting up.

 "About 6 hours," he enlightened me quietly.

 "Oh my you should have woken me earlier," I panicked.

 "No you needed your sleep, I think he hit your head pretty hard," when he said that I put my hand to my head, only to find a lump forming, just great.

 "Yeah I guess you're right, has anything happened while I was asleep," I asked him secretly hoping nothing did.

 "Not really, the person you called John hasn't even come down. What do you think they are waiting for?" he sounded a bit worried about the last bit.

 "I have no I-,"I got cut off because someone just walked through the door, and guess what it? It's was John.

 "That's John," I whispered to Sean and he nodded his head. John is quite tall about 6 ft 2. He had brown shoulder length hair. Really when I look at him he reminds me of what someone in the 1st world war would have worn. You know when they wore those long coats.

 "Hello kids. How are you all?" John asks sarcastically. There were some moans coming from behind me that made me turn around. Sean wasn't lying there were other kids here with us and they look about the same age. I quietly counted them and there were 8 so that makes 10 of us if you include me and Sean. They all looked as scared as us.

 "Right let's get straight to it, in order for me to live every year I have to give ten 16-year-old kids to Room 101," what the hell is he?

 "What's Room 101," one of the other kids asked John.

 "Well little one it's a room where all of your fears become reality. Well it's really not much of a room because it's too big, some call it the lost city."  That's interesting, so for John to live he has to put us in this lost city which is called "Room 101". That don't sound too bad, we actually get to live!

 "However not many people make it out of Room 101 alive so have fun little ones," John told us then just left the room. Oh great this could not get any worse.

 Most of the other kids started to cry and shout. But I just sat there in shock. How can someone do something so cruel and evil to a bunch of teenagers, I mean what have we ever done to anyone? Yeah I know that some teens do drugs and alcohol, some people even just look at us, see the hoods and think we're going to rob them but we are not all like that. Well I know I'm not anyway and I doubt the rest on them here are too. So why the hell do we have to be killed, it's just not fair and really sick. Suddenly I saw Sean move next to me and get up on to his feet.

 "OK everyone calm down," he told them.

 "How can we calm down we're going to die," one of the girls in the corner utters. And when I took a real good look at her I could see she had hazel eyes and long thick curly brown hair that falls on to her face.

 She had a skinny looking figure, about size 8. And even though she was sitting down she still looked quite tall because her knees came all of the way up to her chin. However I think she still looks very pretty considering what she has been through.

 "Well were not going to die because once he puts into that horrible room we are going to stick together and found a way out," He told them directly, I almost believe what he was saying myself.

 "But what if we can't," the same girl asked

 "What's your name?" Sean calmly asked.

 "Sarah." she replied to him.

 "OK Sarah I promise you that we'll do everything we can to get out of that room ok?" she just nodded her head and Sean walked back to me and sat down.

 "Right everyone I have no idea whe-," but he got cut off because the whole room turned as bright as the sun. Then all of a sudden the floor gave way. I grabbed hold of Sean's hand and he held it tight.

 Everyone was screaming as we kept falling but we never seemed to stop we just keep falling and falling.

 "EVERYONE STICK TOGETHER," Sean shouted and held my head even tighter, god I hope he doesn't break it. But right now all I care about is staying with him and not letting go.

 "OK," everyone shouted back then all off a sudden we started to slow down I just looked at Sean and he gave me one of those looks(I have no idea). But if we were slowing down that had to be good right? I mean at least it meant we were stopping. Just as I thou ghtthat, we were all dropped on to the floor. Oh and did that hurt.

 "Is everyone OK?" Sean asked.

 "Yeah," some people answered. I look around to see that only 5 of us are here.

 "Sean where is everyone?" he looked around to see what I just saw, only us two and Sarah and two other guys were with us.

 "I don't know," Sarah started crying.

 "That means your plan didn't work, so we are all going to die," Sarah started to panic.

 "No Sarah the plan can still work but it's only going to be us guys and if we meet up with the others on our way out great," one of the guys told her calmly.

 "OK," Sarah replied quietly.

 "What's your name," I asked the guy who just talked to Sarah.

 "My name is Ben and the other guy next to me is called Jason." I looked at Ben; he had short black hair and shiny green eyes. He was just a little bit taller than Sarah so I would say he was about 6 foot tall.

 He was wearing a plain blue t-shirt but you could just about see the blue through all of the mud and dirt he had on it. Also he was wearing some grey looking jeans and black air Nike trainers. He looked like your every day teen guy.

 But on the other hand the guy next to him who was called Jason looked more like a model. He had massive muscles that were bulging through his t-shirt that also had mud cover all over it but his was green not blue like Ben's. Instead of having grey jeans he had blue jeans. However he did have air Nike's too but his were blue to match his jeans. Also he had lovely brown spiky hair and brown eye to match.

 "Hi my name is Hannah," I told them.

 "Yeah we know we heard you tell Sean when the guy dragged you in," Ben announced.

 "OK, now that we know each other I think we should get moving because the quicker we get out of this place the better," Sean stated.

 "I agree with that," the rest of us replied together.


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