Witches, Angels, Vampires and Werewolves...no way!

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 Hannah's pov

Time was passing, I was sure of that, but I couldn't feel much, it was as if I weren't in my own body. Wait a minute, this has happened before; I'm floating, for you people that don't know what floating is, it's my out of body experiences. I've had only one before, I got to see my family but they couldn't see me however I believe James could hear me, so maybe if I really wanted to, other people might be able to hear me too. However as you can see I'm not an expert on this, I don't even know how it really happens, it just does. But I'm really hoping to find out soon. I have to find a way out of Room 101 for us, maybe this floating might help, and I mean anything can happen right?

Ok were to start...I could see my body lying peacefully next to Sean with my head in his lap still, he was sleeping calmly. Next to me was the lovely blistering hot fire, well I couldn't feel it but I could imagine the heat next to my skin. On the other side I could see Jason and Ben both sleeping like they would attack whatever was going to just jump out of the bushes. And I can't forget Sarah who was curled you in a ball sound asleep. So everyone was asleep but me. Well my body was asleep but really I'm still a wake right? This is all confusing. I wish there was someone here to help me!

"Well hello there Hannah," What the hell, who was that, everyone is asleep and this voice sounded so beautiful and sweet, it sounded like a girl's voice I think. I mean can a man really have a voice that lovely. This is really scaring me.

"Are you going to talk to me?" There it was again I could hear a voice but I couldn't see anyone.

"You're the one that called me," What the hell I didn't call anyone I just wished for some help.

"Oh Hannah you're silly, you wished for help so here I am," Wait a minute did she just read my thoughts, god I hope not.

"But I did Hannah," great she could read my thoughts. I heard a little giggle.

"Ok I've had enough I'm not going to talk to anyone I can't see," I told her simply.

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot I was still invisible," she was surprised at herself.

"Is this better," There was a little shimmer in front of me and then she appeared. I was right it was a girl and she looked amazing. With her lovely long curly blonde hair that fell perfectly on her shoulders, when she moved her hair glittered...just beautiful. But her eyes were the brightest blue I have ever seen. However what she was wearing topped all of that. As I could see she wore an astonishing white dress that had little blue stripes on it, I just loved it. I would say she is about the same age as my mum but way more beautiful...sorry mum. She looked just like an angel.

"You got that right girl," What did she mean?

"I'm an angel," You've got to be kidding me, I have heard everything now. A real angel right in front of me, no way!

"Yes way, you talk really weird," she giggled. I wish she would stop reading my thoughts and what does she mean I talk weird, I so don't. And what the hell is her name anyway.

"Isabel," She smiled at me.

"Hi Isabel," I greeted her.

"Hello to you too Hannah," she greeted me.

"So what do we do now?"

"You tell me what you need help with," she told me.

"Well there are lots of things."

"Ok go ahead," Isabel encouraged me.

"Well you see I have no idea what I am doing right now or how I'm doing it, you know the out of body thing," I said hoping for an explanation.

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