How do you tell a three year old their mummy's dead?

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Chapter 21

how do you tell a three year old their mummy's dead?

Hannah's POV

"Daddy, what's all the noise?" the tiny tired voice of Daisy called Zack from the top of stairs rubbing her eyes.

"Daddy's crying," a worried Daisy came running down the stairs and straight into Zack's arms.

"What's wrong? Why the tears daddy, where's mummy? She'll make you happy again daddy," she smiled at him. Poor Daisy has no idea what's happened, and it just pains me to think that we're going to have to tell her her mum's gone to heaven. Zack just looks at Daisy and hugs her tighter.

"Sweetheart, I've got to tell you something, ok?" he looked at her and she nodded her head.

"Ok daddy."

"You've got a new little sister," well done Zack, break it to her slowly, start with the happy things, then go on to the sad, you're a great dad.

"yahhhh a sister," Daisy jumps up and down in Zack's lap happy, Zack smiled at her.

"What's her name daddy?" she asked him looking at Layla.


"awww beaui-tful," bless her she couldn't say beautiful properly.

"Yeah she is isn't she?" Zack smiled at both of his children, proud.

"Of course she is daddy."

"Can I hold her," she asked Zack.

"Sure you can sweetie but you have to sit in my lap and hold her carefully, can you do that?" he asked her.

"Yep," she moved herself to sit calmly and quietly in Zack's lap.

"Good girl Daisy, now you see how I'm holding Layla I want you to hold you arms like that," Zack told her and Daisy moved her arms so it looked like she was cradling an invisible baby.

Zack moved Layla out of his arms and into the arms of Daisy's. Once in her arms Zack placed his arms around Daisy to make sure she didn't drop Layla.

"I'm going to be the world's best big sister ever, I won't let anyone hurt you little Layla," she looked at

Layla lovingly and Zack looked proud again.

Tyler looked at me and smiled sadly from his seat on the stairs. He slowly made his away to me, and sat down to hold my hand.

"It'll be ok," he whispered to me.

"Daisy sweetie, why don't we give little Layla to Hannah to look after while I tell you something about your mummy," poor Zack's voice cracked at the end. He looked at me and smiled sadly, I smiled back and move out of Tyler's hold to go and take Layla of them.

"Is that alright with you Hannah?" Zack asked me.

"of course it is Zack, stop worrying about me and take all the time you need, me and Tyler will be in the living room waiting for you when you and Daisy are ready, it'll be ok, I promise," I squeezed his hand to comfort him, and he Squeezed back, we all made it to our feet.

"We'll see you guys in a bit," I looked to Tyler and he got up and moved to stand next to me.

"Bye Hannah," Daisy smiled and waved at me when I and Tyler left for the living room.

I sat down on one of the soft sofas and Tyler stood there.

"Come on Tyler have a seat, they might be sometime," I told him the sad truth and he moved to sit next to me on the sofa.

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