Chapter 9: Furious Frankie

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Carmen opened the door. "Why the hell did you lock the doors" Frankie exclaimed with an angry voice. "I thought I live here, I can do what I want" Carmen exclaimed. "What do you want?" Carmen said Impatiently, Frankie just rolled his eyes and went inside Carmen's little room. He sat down on the bed. Carmen closed the doors and stood in front of Frankie. "So what's up" Carmen asked Frankie. "Well, I just wanted to.... I wanted to tell you that-" He suddenly stopped speaking. He had a confused look on his face, Carmen's heart began to pound as she feared that Frankie heard Eden. "Did you hear that?" Frankie asked Carmen while looking around, "Hear what" she feared. "Something under your bed" Carmen turned pale, she knew that if Frankie looks under the bed, Eden will get killed. She improvised and quickly sat next to Frankie, she touched his face. "Frankie, did I ever tell you how handsome you are" Carmen lied, Frankie looked at Carmen. He was shocked.

The awkward atmosphere got interrupted by loud knocking.

"Boss!" A man with a deep voice shouted, he suddenly opened the door. It was Patrick, Frankie's step brother. "Tony Gerard is here, he needs to talk with you". Carmen looked at Frankie, she knew that her father is going to force her to go back home. "Don't worry Carmen, I won't let him take you away" Frankie whispered into Carmen's ear, and left with Patrick.

Carmen was in shock, Frankie was never so caring. Eden got out of his hiding place and sat next to Carmen. He exhaled and said "Finally!".

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