Chapter 16: Frenemies

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Frankie and Patrick arrived at the PussCave. Patrick still had no idea what happened as Frankie didn't tell him anything.

They got out of the car, as Frankie was about to go inside the PussCave, the doors opened. It was Eden.

"What the hell are you doing here? Looking for trouble" Frankie shouted. "Listen, I don't want to be your enemy. Let's be friends" Eden insisted. "I have no time for that, I'm looking for Carmen" Frankie said impatiently. "So am I." Eden replied and smiled a little. "Why don't we look for her together" Eden suggested. Frankie turned around and looked at Patrick which was still confused. "Fine." Frankie said while looking at the ground. "Wow, you really changed" Eden smiled, but he's smile disappeared suddenly. Frankie turned around. A black car arrived and parked near Eden's red car.

It was Tony, Mario and two other men Ray and Stevie.

"Frankie, you're still alive pal!" Tony laughed, "Well you're a dead man walking" Mario shouted and all of the men laughed. Mario took out his gun and pointed it at Frankie. Patrick took out his gun and pointed it at Mario. "Hey, I'm sure we can sort it out some other way" Eden was trembling from fear. "Where the f*ck is my wife!" Mario shouted, "Technically she aint your wife yet Mario" Stevie pointed out. "No one asked for your opinion" Mario replied. Patrick was so nervous he just fired his gun and instead of shooting Mario he shot Stevie. Everybody took out their guns and everybody started shooting. Eden and Frankie just hid behind Daniel's car. "I have a gun" Eden whispered. "So what, one against 3?" Frankie was angry. "Watch out!" Eden pushed Frankie, he nearly got shot again!

"Thanks man" Frankie whispered. "Let's get inside that car" Eden suggested and Frankie nodded, when he was about to get inside he remembered about Patrick. "Patrick! Get inside the car now!" Frankie shouted. Patrick turned around and Mario shot him in the back. "No!" Frankie screamed in terror, "Hurry up, get inside" Eden insisted, Frankie started crying but he got inside and they quickly drove off.

"F*ck! We're dead" Eden whispered.

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