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Bria's P.O.V.

Me and Jhene had just walked away from the doctors office. I know Kayla told me not to have her tested, but I had to. If something is going on with my babies I need to be the first to know. 

"Momma where are we going now?" she asked. 

"Well you guys are going to Uncle Alex's today while me and Lourdy go to a courthouse. " I said. "Why can't I go with you guys." Jhene whined as I put her in her seat. "Momma said no. No little kids can go just grown ups. " I sai. 

She then started kicking. "But I wanna go!! I'm not a little kid" She said as she started to cry. "I wanna go , I wanna go." Jhene repeated. 

"Enough Jhene I said no!" I said driving out the parking lot. 

She started whining and kicking my seat. I turned back for two seconds. 

"I sai --"Then I was cut off by a pick up truck crashing into my side. 

The impact was huge.

The car slid and then flipped over twice

All I heard was Jhene screaming. 

I was blacking in and out. 

I heard Jhene call for me and smelled a bunch of smoke.

Then I passed out. 


Lourdy's P.O.V.

"Where tf is she" I mumbled to myself in front of the court room. 

I checked my phone and saw no text messages. Not even a phone call. 

"Excuse me ma'am courts about to start either your in or your out." an officer told me. I sighed and went into the court room. I sat behind Kayla. 

"Where's Bria?" She asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. "I dont know." I whispered. 

She looked confused , but was then brought to her feet when the officer said 'all rise.'

I had to turn off my phone.. 

To skip all the court stuff. 

Kayla got a good ass lawyer and somehow just ended up with a parole officer and community service. 

This  bitch sneaky af.

She was suppose to be let out tonight. 

When I turned on my phone I had a bunch of missed calls and text from everybody. 

They were all telling me to watch the news. 

"Uh excuse me may we turn on the tv to channel 5 " I said raising my hand. Court was over, but the judge was still here. 

Basically where people are sorta celebrating and shit. 

"May I ask why " The judge asked. "Your guess is as good as mine ma'am, but its an emergency," I said. She was lowkey hella chill so she motioned the officer to turn on the tv. 

When he did there was segment on a car accident that happened just outside the hospital. 

"The victims name is Brianna Davidson riding with her daughter Jhene Rodriguez" He announced. Kayla snapped her neck to the tv. 

"It was said that Brianna was hit by drunk driver in a pick up truck driving 70 in a 25 zone. He had hit her car with so much force that Brianna's car had flipped over twice. Fire Fighters say that there glad they got there when they did because her car had began leaking and could've been seconds from exploding. Brianna is currently in critical condition while her daughter only suffered minor accidents, due to her carseat. They are both in Mountain View Hospital being treated , that is all we have on this story. So have a great day, and drive safe. " The reporter said as pictures of the accident passed by.

"What the hell!" Kayla shouted standin up. I started bawling into tears. 

"I need to go see them." Kayla said. "Kayla we had already agreed to letting you out in 7 hours from now." her lawyer said. "Fuck 7 hours thats my family !" She said. 

"Judge please ! I need to go see her," Kayla pleaded to the judge. She looked at her for a loong time. "Fine , but report back ." She said. "And get out that jumpsuit ." the judge added. 

Kayla shot up and went to get changed . I walked out the courtroom crying my eyes out. 

Kayla's P.O.V.

I had Lourdy speed to the hospital. I ran in and went straight to the registration or whatever the fuck its called. 

"Brianna Rod- I mean Brianna Davidson and Jhene Rodriguez " I told the nurse. She saw I was in a hurry so she quickly typed it up. "Umm Jhene is in children recovery room 245 and Brianna cannot be seen at the moment. " She said to me. "Fuck you mean she can't be seen! What's wrong with her." I asked. 

"Kayla ! Just calm tf down and go see your daughter. " Lourdy screamed. She's been crying since she found out. 

I sighed and went on the search to find room 245. 


This one is gonna be short. I'll update soon I just dont wanna put everything at once. 

I want to do something with this. (Rubs hands like Birdman)

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