And... I'm Pregnant.

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"I'm pregnant!" I burst through the door of my Uncle's office an hour before the Hogwarts Express was suppose to depart to take everyone home for Holiday.

"You're WHAT?!" Uncle Severus's normally level voice almost cracked as he came close to falling out of his chair. I marched over to his desk, not bothering to shut the door.

"Yeah! Apparently, I'm pregnant! It's funny what you find out about yourself by listening to girls tak in teh bathroom!" With this further information, he got his bearings back. He picked up the Daily Prophet from the corner of his desk, rolled it up, and hit me in the back of the head with it.

"Please do not do that again." He put the newspaper down. I rubbed the back of my head.

"My intention was not to freak you out, it was to tell you!"

"Rumors will happen, Eleanor."

"Well, stop them! I don't want the whole school thinking I'm going to have a baby! That's why they think I'm marrying Vincent!"

"What do you expect me to do?" He questioned, his tone hinting that he thought I was over reacting, although I definally wasn't. He didn't understand; people didn't think he was pregnant and only marrying the man he loved because of it.

"I don't know! Punish them! Track down who started it! Anything! You're the Head Master! You ahve to be able to do something!"

"I can do a lot of things, but not that."

"Why not?"

"Because, there is no way I can trace the rumor back to it's source. I can not stop people from talking."

"Why would people beleive it?!"

"Because you are seventeen and getting married?"

"So? Is that bad?"

"Truthfully, under normal circumstances, yes. Most seventeen year olds are not yet mature enought ot handle marridge. You, on teh other hand, are ready, as is Vincent. Anyone who is preparing so hard for their career while still in school is mature enought. Although, when others get married, that young they are not, and either married because of pregnancy or end up divorceing later. You are an exeption."

"So you are defending them?!" I couldn't believe it; he was making up excuses for them!

"No, I am simplying explaining why-"

"I can not be pregnant because Vince and I haven't even done it!" My fist pounded the desk without my realizing it. Silence fell between us as I noticed what I had just yelled at my Uncle. My cheeks turned red. I couldn't talk about sex with Uncle Severus; Scabior, sure. But Uncle Severus?

The another thought crossed my mind' what if I was mad because it couldn't be true rather than it wasn't. After all, I had been wanting to try sex for a while now, and it sitll hadn't happened. Chances were that it woulnd't happen until out wedding night, since at the beach he had said we should wait until then. But even if he decided not to wait, he didn't have enough time to do so. The only time I really got to see him was during dinner and the rare occasion when he stopped to see me before I went to bed. There was also PDA, but I was so limited in that class that it was hard to speak, especially since I smarted off to Mr. Carrow and slammed a door in his face.

"But they do not know that." Uncle Severus calmly looked up at me. It was as if I had never menitoned my (lack of) sex life to hi, which I'm pretty sure he purposly ignored to get around the awkwardness I had created. "My best advice would be to ignore it."


"And I will punish anyone I hear talking about it, but I wouldn't dwell on it. Like all rumors, it will fade away when people lose intrest in it." He stopped to look at the clock on the wall behind me. "You have a little bit of time before you have to leave, perhaps you should double check and make sure you dind't forget to pack anythingg."

"I've already double checked."

"Did you remember the blank invatations?"

"How could I forget?" I laughed.

The date for the wedded had been set, June 9th, so we planned to fill out the invitations during Holiday. We even had the location reserved: The Wilderness Gardens, which was a lovely little garden surrounded by a forest of white blossomed trees. Over all, it was going to be nothing less than beautiful.

"Well, then, if you are sure you have everything, you should try to meet up with the rest of them. I believe Gregory, Draco, and Pansy were waiting for you in the Great Hall. While you're gone, please do not get into trouble."

"I'm going to be a Vincent's then Scabior's; how much trouble can I get into to?"

"I am unsure, but you are good at finding it." He stood up.

"I'll behave." I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Bye, Uncle Severus. I'll Floo sometime this week."

"Alright. Have fun." He returned the gesture. Then, I turned around and made my way to the Great Hall. As promised, the three of them were waiting for me. Where Vincent was, I had no clue. Probably still in the Hospital Wing.

"If he doesn't get here soon, I vote we leave without him." Pansy sneered, taking Draco's pocket watch out of his pocket and looking at the time. "If we don't leave soon, we will miss the train!" Draco shot her a dirty look, then took his watch back with a jerk.

"He'll be here. He probably just had to do something else for Pomfr-" Just as he was saying it, Vincent came sprinting up to us.

"Sorry about that. How long have you been waiting? I had to-"

"We know." I interupted. "Finish up something for Pomfrey."

"Yeah..." He trailed off. I could tell that the comment had made him feel guilty, so I took his hand, apollogizing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound mad..."

"It's fine." He gave me a quick kiss. I could see Pansy enviously watching us out of the corner of my eye. She looked over at Draco and tried to give him the same, but he pushed her away, declaring he was tired. Ha! I thought, Eat your heart out.

"Let's go!" Gregory pulled on my arm, pointing to the door with his other hand. We alll laughed.

"Okay, let's."


The train ride pretty much went as usual. Draco was unusually quiet and looked out the window. Pansy constantly tried to seduce him, but always failed. Finally, he got annoyed and had Gregory switch him seats so he could sit beside Vincent and I. Gregory moved over beside Pansy, who pouted the whole time. Finally, about half way through, I fell asleep, and didn't wake up until Vincent nudge me, telling me we were there.

So, we got our bags and wished everyone fare well. We would see them again this week, so it wasn't a big deal. Vincent could now Apparate, Lovell and Charolette didn't have to meet us there. So, once we were on Platform Nine and Three Quarters, Vincent took my hand and the bags and took us to his house, where we found Charolette dusting.

"Oh, good, you're here!" She happily exclaimed when she saw us. With feather duster still in hand, she hugged me, then her son. "The rest of the family isn't here yet, but they will be soon. We are all having dinner together. They are also staying here for the week." This was apparently new news to Vincent, because he looked surprised.

"But where is everyone going to sleep? We only have one guest room?"

"Well, that's the problem. I suppose Abbatissa and Harold can sleep in the guest room. Faber and Radella can sleep in your room. The kids can sleep on the floor. I think I have a few mats... And we can transfigure the couch in the sitting room for you too. You don't mind sharing with Vincent, do you, Elle?"

"Of course not." I smiled. She grinned back.

"Great! They're all really excited to meet you!" She finally looked us over and frowned. "Oh, look at the two of you; you're all wrinkled. Go make yourselves presentible." She instructed, and Vincent rolled his eyes. I held back a chuckle before we started for his room. She called out as we went. "And be back in here at sevenn o'clock for dinner!"

Eleanor Snape- Book 5, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now