The Beginning of the End

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I rested a couple days, attempting to regain my strength. In exchange for taking her place from the Carrows, Sarah Beth told Vince t that she could handle everything in the Hospital Wing so he could care for me. We stayed in my room since it was private and more comfortable for me. Plus, all my Pajama and night pants were there, so it just made things easier and less embarrassing. Vincent did his best to heal me as soon as possible.

Sadly, when May 1st rolled around, I was still very sore. At least I could stand and get around, though. Bit when I came to meals Vincent would go get them and bring them back so we could eat in the room. That way I didn't have to walk all that way.

I had fallen asleep before dinner and didn't wake up until eleven. I sent him out to get me something to eat when he rushed back in, foodless.

"Vince?" I asked, "where's the food?"

"Who cares about the food! This is more important! You're not going to believe this! Potter is back! They've found him!" He tried to catch his breath.

"Back? What do you mean Potter is back?"

"I mean he's in the school! He came with that Lovegood girl! The teachers joined with them, then took out the Carrows! Then they went for your uncle!"

"Is Uncle Severus okay?" My chest tightened.

"Yes. Well, I think. He jumped out of a window and-"

"Uncle Severus jumped out of a window?!" I couldn't process what I was hearing.

"Yes, yes! But listen! The Dark Lord knows and is on his way with reinforcements! There's going to be a battle!"

"I-Where is Gregory and Draco?" If the Dark Lord was on his way, we all needed to be together.

"Probably waiting outside. We were kicked out for not wanting to fight for Potter. We're waiting for the others." He responded. I let that sink in.

"Help me up." I instructed, throwing my legs off the side of the bed.

"Elle, it hurts you to walk, you can't fight!"

"I can push myself through it." I pulled myself up using his shoulder as a balance. "Hand me one of those potions and get my robes from my trunk." Vincent did as I asked, giving me the strong liquid then the clothing.

"Do you want the mask, too?" He questioned, unbuttoning the first couple buttons on my pajamas to examine the dark bruise that spread across my sternum from where his curse had hit me. He lightly rubbed his finger across it.

"No," I unbuttoned the rest of then and slid the Death Eater robes over my head. "I want the Blood Traitors to see my face when I kill them." I smoothed the fabric then grabbed my wand. "Lets go."

The two of us opened the door of my room and was greeted by the sounds of screams and faint explosions. Apparently, the battle had already broke out, we just didn't hear it from MJ sound proof room.

"Where do we go from hear?" Vince asked, looking around.

"This was!" I started sprinting towards my left. He frowned. "We have to find Draco and Gregory. Who knows what they're going to get into."

"I think they can handle themselves pretty well." He grabbed my arm. I shot him an annoyed look.

"Vincent, we're talking about Draco Malfpy and Gregory Goyle here! They're not safe! They need me!" I explained. Vincent pulled me to a stop and just looked at me. Then he leaned in and gave me a long kiss.

"You're so brave. I love you so much..." He kissed me again. I looked at him then slapped him. "What?!"

"I love you too, Vince, but stop thinking with your emotions! We have to fight!" I started off again.

"You're right. Sorry. It's just so close to our wedding and I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you."

"Well, if you don't get your head in the game, there won't be a wedding, because you'll be dead. You have to concentrate on what is around you."

Just as I said it, we entered the Great Hall. By the looks of things, it had been set is as a make shift Hospital: A safe zone. Pomfrey and Sarah Beth flittered around, helping already injured students. Pomfrey saw us and shouted,

"Vincent! There you are! I need you to go to the Hospital Wing and get some more gauze!" She looked at us from under a bleeding fifth year. We just went by, not bothering to even glance at her. "Vincent?" The sounds of battle got louse rad we approached the front entrance.

"I'll get it!" Sarah Beth said behind us.

The front entrance doors were wide open. Actually, there weren't any doors at all. They had been torn from the hinges. All around us were students fighting of Death Eaters. I easily shot the Killing Curse into the backs of a few as I passed. A few stunning curses passed by me, but I ignored them.

"Look!" I pointed at the entrance way. Draco and Gregoru were back to back deflecting spells with Pansy sandwiched in between them, a terrified look on her face. We ran to them, dodging spells as we went.

"I have never been more happy to see you!" Pansy exclaimed to me. I shook my head; why did she have to be here? All she would do is hold is back.

"Okay, you're the battle strategist, Elle." Draco started. "What do we need to do?"

"I don't know because I don't know what's happening where. We need to go somewhere I get an overhead view so I can get an idea of a plan."

"How about the Clock Tower?" Vince suggested, casting a stunning curse.

"That works. Lets to, bit we have to be careful." The three boys and I stated towards the stair case leading to the second floor. Pansy stayed in her place.

"What about me? If I try to fight, I'll die!" She cried out, following is. I started ip the stairs.


"Elle, we can't just leave her!" Draco stopped. I looked back at him, but kept going.

"Says you."

"Elle!" He said again. I sighed and quickly whipped around.

"Okay. Look, get to the Great hall. It's a safe zone. No one can hurt you there. "

"Okay." She huffed and went back down the stairs.

The higher we got, the louder it became, but we saw fewer and fewer people. When we reached the third floor, we got off the staircase and ran down the hallway. On the other side was the covered bridge that connecte sto entrance of the Clock Tower. Apparently we weren't the only ones who had had that idea, because we soon ran onto a group of men. I could tell by their appearance that they were Snatchers from the neighbouring countries. My heart stopped when I saw who was leading them.

"Scabior!" I called out, but he didn't hear me. By this time, most of the Snatchers were trying to cross. Scabior was half way across, dueling with Neville Longbottom. Longbottom kept backing up as Scabior approached him. Neville lunged and stupefied him. Scabior tried to get his bearings, but Longbottom gave some wields signal and ran to the other side before he could get it together. There was a loud rumble. Scabior realise what was happening and started to run, but it was to late. There was an explosion.

Debris and bodies flew everywhere. I watched as they all fell down below, leaving behind an echo of screams. My eyes never left Scabiot as his helpless, blood covered body plummeted towards the ground. I stepped to the very edge of the platform where the bridge used to be and called out his name. Obviously, there was no reply. I looke over the edge, tears blurring my vision. I closed my eyes and help back a whimper: My best friend was gone.

Eleanor Snape- Book 5, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now