I Put Auntie In Her Place

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Sarah Beth~

Days passed and I continued working both of my jobs. When I wasn't working, I was either sleeping or reading the Daily Prophet or the Quibbler, trying to piece together what was really going on. The sad things was; the Quibbler seemed to be telling more of the truth than anything else. Probably because everyone writing for the Prophet was with the Ministry and Mr. Love good was not. Most of the time I would just sigh and shake my head, until about a week before school started; I opened up the paper and saw splurred across the page:


I almost choked on air. I had no clue what a 'Muggle-Born Registration Commission' was, but it didn't sound good; And Auntie was head of it.

I couldn't beleive that Auntie was still working for the MInistry. I mean. I knew she was evil, but not that evil. You-Know-Who had control now, and she was taking orders from Him. Worst of all, she was going through on it. I could barley stand it. It seemed like everyone I knew was going to His side.

I didin't understand how he even got to power. Lack of moral, maybe? He was one man, after all. If all of us wanted to take him down, why couldn't we? The thought sent a shiver up my spine. WE couldn't do that because he had to many followers that lacked moral, including my Gregory. Ellie. Probably Vincent. Professor Snape. The Malfoys (Which I had also learned from the Prophet). Auntie. Even Rufus, who, despite the rumors, was joining the Ministry as soon as school started.

Still, the fear did not outweight the anger. Auntie was doing something terrible, but this time if effected more than myself; it effected society as I knew it. As all of us knew it. Something told me that You-Know-Who wasn't very fond of Muggles, or Muggle-borns, so a division for them with an organization he was over couldn't lead to anything good.

So, that settled it; as much as I didn't want to, I would have to talk to Auntie. Talk her out of it, or find out why she was. The only problem was how I would get into the Ministry. It didn't take a genius to assume that the security had probably been uped. I only knew of a few other ways to get in, but seeing as I had always gone with Auntie or Mr. Cornelius, we would just Floo or Apparate. I couldn't do that now.

"Mr. Cornelius?" I sweetly asked when I walked through the house to find him reading the Prophet as well in the sitting room. He put the paper on his lap and looked at me.


"If I were to, oh, I don't know, go into the Mnistry some way besides the Floo Network or Apparation, how would I?" I put my hands behind my back and grinned. His eyes widened a bit.

"YOu surely aren't trying to get into the MInistry! Not now that You-Know-Who-"

"But I'm going to see Auntie." I firmly stated. A look of regret washed across his face.

"So you saw the news, then?"

"Yes, and I would like to have a word with her." I put my hands on my hips.

"I'm not sure you should if you are only going to scold her, Sarah Beth.

"I won't be there long. I have to go to work in two hours. I just have to talk to her."

"You're only going to cause trouble for yourself."

"But, Mr. Cornelius-"

"I'm not helping you with this. All it will do is make the two of you upset."

"Fine. I don't need your help. I'll find my own way in." I brushed my hair off of my shoulder before Apparating, taking him by suprise, and another when I appeared.

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