Helping the Cause

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Sarah Beth~

It took me a month to find one of them, but when I did, I was filled with a combination of happiness and relief. There he was, Neville Longbottom, stealthily manovering the dark hallways with a medium sized sack. It was a late, April night and I was just coming back to the Common Room after a long shift in the Hospital Wing.

"Neville!" I called out. He looked back behind him, widening his eyes before taking off int oa sprint. I tried to run after him, but realzied it was no use. I was too out of shape to keep up. Never-the-less, I still wanted to question him, so I concentrated and turned into my Animagus and went after him. I wanetd to know where they were hiding.

I followed him down hallway after hallway. After a while, he seemed to calm down. But eventually he slowed down, which made is so muc heasier to keep up. Eventually, he stopped at a door I assumed was a broom closet. Wondering what was going on, I got close to his heels and watched. He looked behind him, then lef,t then right, before knocking elaboratly on the door, then went in. I got past just before he closed it.

As he walked in, I peered around. Laying everywhere were kids who looked very week and hurt. They were all kids of the revolution. Heros. As I pranced around, I realized some where even Muggle-Born, who weren't even suppose to be in the school. Some where resting in bed, obviously trying to recupporate. Others were sititng in the floor along the walls of the room, eating small things such as apples or bread. Neville stood in the middle of the room and cleared his throat.

"I got it." He announced, and every head turned to him, all showing expressions of thankfulness. Some of them got up and went to him, where he gave them each an orange and a biscute. I watched in wonder as starving kids ate what was probably their first bite of food since the day before.

All of them ate, and I continued to eat. This was bad: terrible. No one should be driven to live like this. All the 'rebelious' students were in hiding, as well as the Muggle-Borns who weren't even allowed on school properity. This war was the worst thing in the world. There were people I reconized, like Colin Creevey, the cool little Gryffindor who had taken a picture of me with his Muggle Camera thing after I broke my nose during the Slytherin vs. Hufflepuff game back during my fifth year. His brother was also there. So many faces who looked absolutly miserible. I just couldn't stand it. This shouldn't have been happening.

"Who's cat is this?" Neville broke me from my thoughts as he picked me up. "Everyone knows the rule is no pets. We can barley get ourselves fed." Everyone around shook their heads no and mumbled denieles; that they had never seen the cat before. I looked up at him and meowed. "Then how did it get in here?" He questioned again. Like before, no one had any information to offer. "Well, I suppose we can just set it back out... but it's very odd... This means we are going to have to be more careful with entering and exiting. If a cat can get in, so can anyone else. The last thing we need is for any of the Carrows or Snape to find out we're here." He sighed, and headed towards teh door.

As he walked, I started to fidgit. I didn't want to leave just yet. I needed to offer my help. After all, I knew how to care for them, and they definally needed it. Also, I couldnt' get them elixirs and things from the Hospital Wing. I could even tell Madam Pomfrey what they were for. I knew she was against You-Know-Who and would help them any way she could. She couldn't just let children suffer like that. 

So, before he could open the door back up, I transfigured back into my normal self. He gasped and dropped me. I hit the ground with a thud.

"Sarah Beth?!" He exclaimed, jumping back. I looked up at him.

"Uh, yeah..." I offered a shy smiled. He shook his head.

"What are you doing here? You aren't suppose to be here!"

"I know. I followed you. I want to help you..."

"How can we know we can trust you. You're aunt is Dolores Umbridge!"

"I haven't even spoken to my Aunite! Not for monthes!"

"How do we know?"

"Look, I want to offer my help. I've been working in the Hospital Wing for monthes now. I know how to help them. I've been through it all. I've been Crucioed and I've been repressed. All I want to do is help you out. Why would I lie? You're all my friends. Luna is my friend-" Suddenly, I paused. I hadn't realised I hadn't seen her since before Holiday. Christmas Holiday. "Where is Luna?"

"You mean you don't know?" Neville seemed surprised by something.

"No. I've been either knocked out or in class all year. How would I?"

"She got drug off the Hogwarts Express at Christmas. None of us are really sure about what happened. We don't even know if she's still alive..." His voice hinted a bit of remorse. I looked down.

"You mean, Luna could be..." My voice cracked, "dead?"

"Yes...But she could also be alive." He replied. I continued to look down. Could Luna really be dead? Luna, the girl I'd known since First Year? Did they really kill her? Could they have?

"Let me help you." I said softly, trying to keep myself from crying.

"WE don't know if-"

"Let me help you!" I exclaimed. He took another step back. "Please. In honor of Luna. She would want me to help..." The menton of Luna put a thoughtful look on his face. After a few moments, he replied.

"Alright. You can help us. But if yo uget us caught, it will all be on you, and it will be disasterious."

"Thank you so much!" I hugged him. He stiffed; he must not of been used to affection after all of this started happening.

"No, Sarah Beth, thank you. We really do need someone to help with Healing. Iv'e tried, but I'm not really sure about what I'm doing."

"I'm not going to let you down, I promise! Just let me exaimine everyone and I'll make a list of things you need! I'll have them here first thing tommorrow afternoon!"

Eleanor Snape- Book 5, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now