4|| Collasping

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*** Hey guys, I accidentally put chapter 3 in Adam's point of view instead of third person pov, so I do apologize, this chapter is going to be third person unless stated otherwise, please enjoy~***

Adam placed his laptop on his desk, sighing as he sat down. Sauli was going to be late today so Adam was by himself. The bell for school hasn't even gone off yet, giving Adam time to think. Adam was falling for Sauli, falling too hard, what happens if he goes back to Finland? They'll just end their fling? Adam groaned as he hit his head on his desk, he was slightly hung over, he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss last Friday, it was all that has been lingering in his mind, all weekend.

"Hey Adam." A voice made Adam jump, he looked up to see Tommy standing in the door way. "Rough night?" Tommy chuckles, folding his arms over his chest.

"Rough morning more like it, fucking hang over." Adam groaned. Tommy laughed slightly.

"Principal asked me to get you, she wants to talk to you." Tommy speaks. "I will look after the students when they come in."

"Great, what'd I do now?" Adam moans, getting up from his chair.

"Probably asking about last week." Tommy spoke. "Everyone was worried about you."

"Yeah well, I'm here aren't I? Surely that's punishment enough." Adam sighed, walking down the hallway, leaving a very confused Tommy.

Adam knocked gently on the principal's door.

"Come in." She spoke. Adam walked in, shutting the door behind him. "Ah, Adam, take a seat." She smiled, Adam hesitated before sitting down.

"You wanted to speak to me?" Adam questioned. The principal, Mrs Moira wasn't old but she did look like she was around 50, she had been the principal here for almost 20 years, she had the chance to move higher up in the schooling system but she simply refused.

"Yes, one of our staff members came to me, worried about you." She spoke, looking up at Adam. 'Sauli.' Adam thought to himself. 'It had to be.'

"Worried?" Adam asked, frowning.

"Yes, they were worried that you may harm yourself." She spoke quietly, no higher than a whisper. "There are people here who could help you, even take you to a professional, we want to he-"

"I don't need help." Adam snapped, cutting Mrs Moira off. "I'm perfectly fine." He spoke, almost yelling.

"Adam, you were away for two whole days, no one knew where you were or how you were." She spoke again.

"For the last time, I don't need your help." Adam spoke through gritted teeth as he stood up. "I understand you think I need help, but I am fine and if you don't mind, I have a class to teach." He spoke again, leaving the room, walking back to his class.

As Adam walked in, he saw Tommy talking to Sauli and the students getting on with their work. He simply walked past Sauli, he didn't want to talk to him, he told Mrs Moira about what happened, it was personal, he didn't want anyone else invading into his private life.

"Mr Lambert!" A student spoke as Adam started writing on the board. "You're back!" The student spoke happily.

"Yes, I am back." Adam forced a smile onto his lips which could fool anyone. "Now today I do want to continue on with our taxes assignment, so if everyone could please just work on that for this lesson." He spoke sternly.

Tommy walked up to Adam. "Are you okay?" He whispered so no one else could hear.

"I will be perfect once people stay out of my business." He didn't mean for the words to come out in a harsh tone, but they did.

"Okay, I'll see you around. Don't forget there's an assembly today after lunch." Tommy smiled half heartily, walking out of the class room, back to his lesson.

Adam saw Sauli sit down next to him, it was silent in the class, peaceful even.

"How are you feeling?" Sauli asked, Adam looked up at him, frowning. "What's wrong?" Sauli questions.

"You told Mrs Moira about what happened? Why?" Adam asked bluntly. Sauli was now frowning.

"I didn't tell her anything, even if I did, I wouldn't of had the time, I was late here remember? I haven't even seen her since Friday morning, well before I saw you." He explained. Adam was now confused. 'Who the hell told her?' Adam questioned himself. 'No one else knows...'

"Then who told her?" Adam groans, leaning back in his chair. He feels Sauli's hand go on his knee, as if he was reassuring him.

"I don't know but I swear I haven't told anyone. It's a personal matter and that should be kept that way." Sauli smiled softly.

"Thank-you." Adam smiles, not a fake one this time, a real smile. Sauli was like that, he could make Adam feel happy even when he's feeling the lowest of lows.


Students filled the gymnasium ready for assembly, Adam was supposed to have a talk last week but he left to try and get better, but that just led to an attempted over dose...

"Everyone, please quiet down!" Mrs Moira spoke into the microphone as she stood at the front. Adam zoned out for what seemed like hours, even though it was twenty minutes. It was now his turn to go up and speak, and it was a touchy subject he had to talk about... Depression.

"Afternoon everyone." Adam smiled at the crowd, his eyes locked onto Sauli who was smiling at him from the back of the gym, standing next to Tommy. "I'm going to ask a very important question, I want you to put your hand up and answer whatever pops into your head." He spoke. "What is the number one silent killer in our society today?" He asked, almost half the gym raised their hands, Adam looked around, he then pointed to a young boy.

"Depression?" He asked.

"Exactly! Depression isn't a thing you can get over, it's not like a cold but it's like another life, hanging onto you, feeding off of your happiness and replacing it with sadness. Some people are to afraid to speak to someone and most don't have anyone. I know that it's been said before but there are people who care and will help, even if that means myself, Mrs Moira or anyone else. You can't fight depression off on your own, which is why so many young teens and adults commit suicide, they think that death is the answer to being happy." Adam spoke. "You either fight it, or die trying. And we don't want to see anyone die from this. You're not alone in the aftermath and you never should be. Being alone hurts, I know that all too well, you isolate yourself because you think that everyone will either hurt you or leave you. But not everyone is like that, trust me." Adam half smiles. "Is there any questions before I continue?" He asked, more hands fly up. "Elizabeth?" Adam asked, pointing to a student.

"Have you ever felt depressed or alone?" She asked. Adam went silent. He didn't know why to say...

"I uh- I'm not sure how to answer that." Adam spoke quietly. The room went silent. Adam stood there, zoning out as memories flooded back to him. 

"Adam?" Sauli's voice spoke, dragging Adam out of his thoughts.

"Yes, sorry I uh- must've zoned out." He chuckles nervously, looking at the worried crowd of students and staff. "The answer is yes." He spoke quietly. "I do suffer from depression and I am getting treatment for it." Adam looked down at his feet.

He went to speak again when he suddenly got a stabbing pain of memories in his head, he dropped the mic, falling to his knees. He struggled to stay awake before collapsing onto the hard floor.

Sauli was quick to help him, as students panicked, staff ran over. Sauli tried to wake Adam up but he was out like a light. He was still alive, thankfully. But his pulse was weak.

"Call an ambulance!" Sauli spoke, panic ran in his voice as staff tried desperately to calm the students down.

"You're going to be okay, Addy." Sauli whispered as he kept his head elevated so it doesn't interrupt his breathing. "You're going to be okay."

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