26|| Are You Being Honest?

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Hey guys, this part is very short with less than 600 words. I do apologise, I've been lacking in energy lately, not that I didn't want to update, I just physicallly haven't been able to... My mind is killing me and I've just been falling apart for days but I do not want you guys to think I'm giving up on Naked Love. I appreciate everything bit of support you guys have given and I'm so so thankful for being patient with waiting. ❤❤❤

Adam places the final plate into the cupboard and dries his hands. Sauli was coming home today and he couldn't be more excited, he finally gets to settle down and relax without worrying about what's going to happen, with Sauli by his side, he forgets everything that's happening and his mind finally catches a break. But for the two weeks Sauli had been gone, not a single text or call...

"Adam?" Tommy's voice rang loudly from the front door. Adam was not expecting Tommy to visit... They haven't spoken a word since the day Sauli left, two weeks ago.

Adam walked into the hallway to see Tommy standing there, he looked worn out and tired.

"What are you doing here, Tommy?" Adam asks, folding his arms across his chest.

"Please just listen to me about Sauli!" Tommy groans, the whiff of alcohol hit Adam and he knew then that Tommy was either tipsy or drunk, either way, Adam didn't want him here.

"Nothing you say will change my mind. I love Sauli and that's final!"

"Adam he is using you, without you, he'd be in a shitty apartment with a shitty job that pays fuck all. He only loves you for your money!"

"You're kidding me right? Just go, Tommy." Adam frowns. "Don't bother contacting me again."

"Adam." Tommy speaks seriously. "I don't want you to kick me out of your life for someone you've known for hardly a year! I've been the one who has stuck by you through everything! You're rushing into this whole thing! You're engaged to someone you've dated for less than 6 months, and don't say it's love!"

"What do you know about love, Tommy Joe?" Adam snaps, getting frustrated at Tommy's behaviour.

"Clearly not as much as you." Tommy says, sarcasm on the tip of his tounge. "Adam... I lo-" 

"What's going on?" Sauli questions, cutting Tommy off.

"Tommy was just leaving." Adam speaks through gritted teeth.

Tommy breathed out slowly, "I was just leaving. Sorry for everything." He pushes past Sauli, slamming the front door shut.

"What was that about?" Sauli questions, placing his bags down.

"Nothing to worry about." Adam lied, he knew what Tommy was going to say before Sauli cut him off... But why was he not mad about it...?

"Alright then." Sauli smiles warmly. "I've missed you!" He says, hugging Adam.

"Why haven't you called or texted me? You were gone two weeks, Sauli."

"The reception over there is shit. I've tried but nothing went through."

"Did you tell your dad?" Adam asks, walking back to the kitchen.

"Yes, as soon as I got there, he kicked me out as soon as I did though. I had to stay with a friend."

Adam frowns. "A friend? Why didn't you come home earlier then?"

"Yes, Adam, a friend, he let me stay at his place while I was there, I would've come home earlier but everyone wanted to catch up and talk."

"Oh... Right." Adam sighs.

"I'm going to unpack and have a shower." Sauli smiles before heading upstairs.

"was this all a mistake? Is Tommy right?" Adam shakes his head at the thoughts. Of course Tommy's not right, Sauli loves him...

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