24|| AMA Performance

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"I'm scared, Sauli." Adam whispered softly.

"Scared of what, babe?" Sauli asks, Adam looks up at him, tears in his eyes.

"Myself." The word seemed to come out in a small whisper, as if it was forbiddened to be mentioned.

"Why?" Sauli questions, trying to understand what Adam was on about.

"I don't want to harm myself, Sauli." Adam's bottom lip trembled as he shook.

"Don't you have the AMA'S tonight? That'll get your mind off anything that you're thinking." Sauli smiles, attempting to try and cheer Adam up.

"Shit, I'm going to be late." Adam groans, standing to his feet. "I'll visit tomorrow, okay?" He smiles warmly, hugging Sauli.

"Okay." Sauli grins as he leaves the room.

"Adam! One minute!" Sydney, the stage manager called out. Adam nodded, taking in a deep breath.

"We got this, Addy." Tommy smiles, placing his hand on his shoulder. "I gotta go get ready, see you on stage!" He calls out as he runs towards the rest of the band and dancers.

People cheer and celebrate as Adam sings on the stage and dances, he climbs on the railings, where he was met with Tommy, jamming out on the guitar, he blonde hair in his face. And in the heat of the moment, Adam kisses him, Tommy stares wide eyed as he doesn't mess up playing. Adam winks as he walks away.

"Adam!" Tommy calls as they walk backstage. "What the fuck was that? We were on live T.V!" Tommy snaps.

"It was in the heat of the moment." Adam defends.

Tommy frowns. "You're an asshole, Adam." Tommy snaps again, pushing past Adam.

Adam shuts the door to his dressing room, throwing his make up all to the ground, he kicked everything that was near him, tears fell down his cheek... 'sauli.' he thought to himself.


Sauli sat patiently waiting for Adam to visit him. He was almost 10 minutes late. Sauli was ready to go when he saw Tommy walk into the room. He was angry and hurt about the AMA performance, he basically cut all ties with him for the accidental kiss between him and Tommy but it's okay for him to do it?

"Hey Sauli." He spoke, his voice seeming dull. He looked tired and restless.

"Don't hey me. Where's Adam?" Sauli asked, hurt in his voice.

"We need to talk." Tommy sighed, sitting down. "Adam isn't anywhere to be found." The words hit Sauli like a bullet. A bullet straight through his already aching heart.

"What do you mean? He's missing!?"

"We're searching for him but he's gone, left after the AMA performance."

"Speaking of the AMA'S." Sauli spoke through gritted teeth. "Such a hypocritical bastard." He snaps.

"I wasn't expecting it." Tommy sighs. "I already had ago at him, then he just disappeared." Sauli scoffed.


"What the hell does that mean? Do you even care he's missing?"

"Why should I?" Sauli laughs sarcastically.

"Because he's your fucking fiancè!"

"A lying, hypocritical asshole of a fucking fiancè!" Sauli shouts, standing to his feet, ready to walk away.

"You fucking know it didn't mean shit! So grow up!" Tommy shouts, guards walk over.

"Me? grow up? He nearly killed himself after that party, AND NOW HE GOES AND DOES IT TO YOU? WHAT THE FUCK, TOMMY. FUCK OFF!" He shouts again, this time a guard was holding him back.

"Neil was right about you, fucking asshole." Tommy yells, walking away.

As Tommy walks into Adam's, he saw Adam sitting on the couch, bottle of vodka in hand.

"and where the fuck have you been?" Tommy snaps. Adam quickly stands to his feet.

"Just out to clear my thoughts." Adam says quietly.

"Without your phone, I was worried!" Tommy shouts. Tears spilling down his cheek. "I saw Sauli."

"Oh... Did he mention anything about the kiss?"

"Yeah. Called you a hypocritical bastard." Tommy sighs. "Adam, fuck him, you're better without that self centred asshole." Tommy snaps.

"Wh- No!" Adam stumbles with his words. "I love him, I want to be with him."

"Well I don't think the feeling's mutual anymore."

"I need to see him." Adam speaks in a hurry. "I need to talk to him, apologise."

"Woah, unless you want to get pulled over for a DUI, sit the fuck down." Tommy says sternly. Adam groans.

"I fucked up, TJ." Adam yells, throwing the vodka bottle at the TV, sending them both shattering. "I FUCKED UP!" He screams, breaking down in to tears as he falls to his knees. Tommy sighs as he comforts Adam.

"You didn't fuck up, okay? Sauli's just under so much stress, he's probably already regretting it."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, he loves you Adam, you'll both get over this soon."

"I hope so, I just really want to marry him and spend my life with him, Tommy."

"I know, I know." Tommy whispers, holding Adam.

Sauli let the tears fall as he walks into the bathrooms, locking himself in a cubicle. It was too much for him, he didn't want to live a life build on lies and hurt. He pulled out a razor from his pocket. He had to be stealthy with keeping this hidden from the guards. He took in a deep breath as he slowly dug it deep into his arm, going downward, blood came out slowly at first but then gushed out, dropping to the floor.

He smiled as he leans back on the wall, he dropped his arm, watching as the blood pour out of his arm.

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