5|| Taking a Break From Work

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~~Hey guys just letting you know ahead of time that if there are any typos, they're by accident as I have gotten my nails done and I am still getting used to typing on a laptop with them <3~~

Sauli paced the small hospital room, anxiously awaiting for Adam to wake up, his sudden collapse in assembly send panic and worry throughout the school as he is a very loved member of the staff. The doctors found out why he had collapsed, his liver was failing due to too much alcohol consumption. But that still doesn't answer why he had head pains before he fell.

Sauli sat down next to Adam's rightside of the bed, holding his hand gently.

"You wanna know something funny? I know you probably can't hear me but I'll tell you anyway." Sauli smiled softly, staring up at Adam. "You are the first person to ever make me feel loved, you are the first person to prove it and I know you think I don't feel the same but I do, I am falling so hard for you... I just wish you would wake up so I won't be talking to myself." He looks down, keeping his head down. "All my life I have been considered a burden to both my parents and friends, all through primary school and high school I was bullied and beaten, all because I was gay... It wasn't their lives, so why did they care so much to hurt me? Did they think I'd pull out a special gay wand and turn them gay, heh, that sounded so dirty." He laughs softly, he felt Adam's hand squeeze his, Sauli looked up to see Adam smiling at him.

"I heard everything you said." Adam spoke softly. "You're not a burden to me and you never will be." Sauli's eyes lit up with happiness. "I like you for being you and I'm glad I met you... I wouldn't trade it for the world." Adam speaks, his voice getting raspy.

"I'm glad I met you too, Adam, really." Sauli smiles, his smile fades when he remembers what Mrs Moira said.

"What's wrong?" Adam asked, sitting up a little.

"Mrs Moira thinks you should take the rest of the term off, to relax." Sauli explains. Adam frowns.

"I don't need time off, I'm perfectly fine." Adam defends, getting more upset than angry, being a teacher is his life... He wouldn't trade it for anything...

"You aren't fine, Adam, your liver is failing. You haven't been looking after your health!"

"I am fit to go back, I'll look after myself, I promise, please don't let her do this, Sauli."

"It's only for the term, you'll be back next term."

"You won't!" Adam shouts suddenly, surprising himself at his sudden anger. "You won't be there next term." Adam says, his voice breaking.

"I'm sorry, Adam. We will work something out together when you leave here, I promise." Sauli smiles softly, kissing his cheek, leaving the room.

As he shut Adam's door gently, his heart raced and his stomach had knots. If Mrs Moira finds out about him and Adam, she'll tell Sauli's Dad and he will have Sauli flown home immediately... Sauli can't let that happen, he won't go back to Finland, not back to his Dad at least.

Adam lay there, staring up at the white ceiling, doctors had come and go, giving him medication and long talks about his health... He didn't care, all he cared about was being with Sauli. He let the tears fall down his cheek, he couldn't move, he didn't want to, it felt like a ton of bricks had landed on him, forcing him to stay in the one position, his throat started to close up and the second he couldn't breathe, he knew he was having a panic attack.

He couldn't reach to call out to a nurse and his voice felt as if it were being held down by weights. He was defenceless. Adam sat himself up, causing pain to shoot through his body.

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