45|| I Should Hate You

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Adam walked into the hospital doors, Sauli by his side. He had asked Allison to look after Säde while they went to see the doctors who rang him.

"Mr Lambert." A doctor spoke, Adam turned and his face dropped. "I'm sorry to call so late." He continued.

"Just tell me where he is." Adam spoke quickly.

"This way." The doctor ushered him to follow and soon they were standing in front of the morgue. Adam took a deep and shaky breath in. "I'll give you some privacy."

"I'll wait here, you go in." Sauli spoke softly. Adam nodded and entered the room.

He saw the body laying on the metal slab, so stiff. He took in a deep breath again, letting the tears fall once again.

"I know I haven't been the best person to be around, I know I've done and said things to you that have hurt, but..." Adam froze, his voice was breaking and his stomach flipped. "I should hate you. But I don't. I could never hate you, even after everything that has happened..." Adam ran his finger down the cold face. Salty tears dropped onto the body. "I'm sorry this happened, Neil." He sighed. "I love you, little brother." (Bet I gave y'all a heart attack ;) sorry!)

Adam couldn't bare seeing his little brother like this. It tore him apart. How could this happen? Just so quickly. He left the room and hugged Sauli ever so tightly.

"Where is he? Where's my son!?" Lelia's voice boomed from down the hallway. Adam pulled away from Sauli's grip and caught his mother before she fell.

"Mom, calm down." He spoke gently. She cried hysterically. Two doctors started moving Neil out of the morgue.

"NEIL!" Lelia screams. "NO, NOT MY BABY BOY!" Adam's heart shattered as he held onto his sobbing mother. She tried to stand but her legs gave way. "No no no no." She chanted over and over again. "Neil..." Her voice was scratchy and dry. She pushed Adam away and stood to her feet.

"Mom, please." Adam cried, trying to calm his mother down.

"Get away from me." She spat harshly. "Don't you dare come near me.... It should be you on that table!" She yelled. Adam stood back defeated. His eyes filling with fresh tears.

"How could you say that? I didn't cause this!" Adam yelled back. "That is my brother! You are not the only one affected! I lost a piece of my heart too!"

"Oh, piss off with that bullshit, Adam Mitchel." She snapped. "You don't even deserve to be here."

"Adam, let's just go." Sauli whispered softly. Adam didn't even hesitate to move and walk out of the hospital room.

"And don't bother coming to the funeral!" She shouted as Adam walked away.

"You're not allowed to the funeral?" Tommy asked. Sauli had gotten everyone together to help Adam. It's rough, he just lost his little brother.

"That's what she shouted at me." Adam groans, pulling out a beer. They finally got Säde to sleep after her being awake constantly. Adam knew something was wrong with Tommy, he was acting strange ever since he left this morning but he didn't want to mention anything.

"That's bullshit. You should be allowed to go, as if she is nice to you one moment and then a complete bitch the next. No offence, Adam, but you should never of forgiven her." Lisa sighs, Bridget in her lap.

"I just need to focus on the wedding coming up, I don't have time for this." Adam groaned.

"You need time to grief, Adam." Sauli spoke softly, soothing Adam by rubbing his back softly.

"No!" Adam snaps suddenly. "I don't need to grief over someone who wouldn't have done it for me."

"Addy is right." Bridget spoke suddenly. "My teacher told me not to care about someone who doesn't care back."

"See, even a 5 year old understands." Adam sighed. "I need to get everything prepared for tomorrow." Adam spoke softly, standing to his feet.

"What's tomorrow?" Allison questions.

"The wedding." Adam spoke, everyone looked surprised, including Sauli.

"Tomorrow? Are you sure you are going to have it so soon?" Tommy says.

"Yes." He replied bluntly. "You and Allison need to have a long conversation by the way." He says before disappearing upstairs.

"What's with you and Allison?" Lisa questions.

"I'm pregnant." Allison spoke softly. "Tommy's the dad."

Lisa frowns. "I didn't know you two were a thing?"

"We weren't." Tommy speaks gently. "We are now." Allison looks at him with wide eyes.

Sauli went to speak when there was a smash upstairs. Everyone ran up to Adam's room.

"Adam!?" Sauli yelled gently, not wanting to wake Säde up, but that didn't help because she suddenly started crying.

"I'll go get her, Allison can you help?" Lisa asks, she nodded as they disappeared into Säde's room with Bridget by their side.

Tommy and Sauli walked into Adam's room to see Adam sitting on the bed, in distraught. The bedroom mirror was smashed and the pieces were visible on the ground and blood dropped from Adam's knuckle.

"Babe? What happen?" Sauli asked gently.

"I- I should've been there for him." Adam spoke through the tears. "It's all my fault." He cried.

"Adam, it isn't your fault." Tommy ushered him as he kneeled down in front of him.

"Everything's my fault, it's my fault my little brother is dead, it's my fault you want to die, it's all my fault." His voice was raspy and dry. He could barely get the words out.

"Adam, I don't want to die because of you, you haven't done anything. Just calm down." Tommy replies.

"Come on, we'll get you into a hot shower and then bed." Sauli smiled warmly. He helped Adam to stand and walked into the bathroom. "I'll help him, you can stay if you want, I need to keep an eye on him for the day." Tommy nodded as he left the room.

Sauli sat Adam down on the toilet while he ran the hot shower. He started to undress him.

"Why are you so good to me, Sauli? I don't deserve it." Adam sighs.

"Shut up, Adam. You do deserve it and I love you so shush." Sauli chuckles gently, kissing Adam's lips softly as he gets into the shower.

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