25|| Mending the Broken Heart

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Yes, another update! This isnt too long but next one will have a lot more, including a rather pissed off Tommy! Enjoy ✌❤

Sauli stepped into the free world once again, his sentence was up and he felt nothing but relief. He had guilt inside of him, to those things he said about Adam to the suicide attempt.

He decided it was time to go home for a little bit, just to get time away. He knew anymore time away from Adam would kill him but he just needed to clear his head. He called a taxi to Adam's house and sighed. Was he really ready to see Adam after two months with no contact?

"Sauli? You're out today?" Tommy's voice spoke as Sauli got out the taxi, he must be leaving.

"Yes." Sauli spoke softly. "Is Adam home?"

"Yeah, think he fell asleep though." Tommy spoke bluntly as he drove away. Sauli groaned as he went inside. He was ready, not a single bit but he missed Adam more than the world.
Sauli walked into the bedroom to see Adam asleep with many alcohol bottles laying around. He crept quietly, trying not to wake Adam up as he pulled out his suitcase, pulling out a few clothes that'll last him a few days, a week at most.

"Sauli?" The voice of Heaven spoke, Sauli turned around slowly to see Adam sitting up, safe to say he looked like shit. "What are you doing here?"

"Just uh, getting a few things." Sauli spoke awkwardly, closing the suitcase.

"Where are you going? You just got back." Adam speaks, his voice breaking as he stands.

"I think it's best I go home, just for a few days."


"Yes, again. I'll come back and we'll sort this all out."

"I'm sorry, Sauli." Adam cried. "I'm so sorry." Sauli sighed.

"Adam, it's okay. You're the man I want to spend my life with. I just have a few things to deal with." Sauli spoke, kissing Adam on the cheek and going back out to his taxi.

"You promise, you promise you'll come back?" Adam yells out.

"I pinky promise!" Sauli smiles. As the taxi moves further away from Adam's house, he pulls out his phone, he needed to call his dad. He wanted to keep the conversation short, to avoid too many questions.

O- Sauli?

S- Olen tulossa kotiin (Im coming home)

O- Mitä tapahtuu? (What happen?)

S- Kerron myöhemmin (I'll tell you later)

O- Oletko ok? (are you ok?)

S- Kyllä, olen ok (Yes, I'm ok)

O- Selvä (ok, all right)

S- Kiitos (Thank you)

O- Ole hyvä (You're welcome)

S- näkemiin (goodbye)

O- nähdään pian (see you soon)

S- Okei, hei isä (Okay, bye dad.)
* dial tone *

Sauli put his phone back into his pocket and laid back on the seat. Now he just had to find the words to tell his homophobic father that he is going to marry Adam... If that's what Adam even wants anymore..

Adam opened, yet another, bottle of vodka, Sauli had left so quick when he just got out of prison... Was he leaving him because of their altercation? He grabbed his phone from his night stand, ready to type a message to Sauli..

A- 'Are we still together? I'm just over thinking it all and I still want to become your husband.'

He clicked send, waiting for a reply. Minutes later he got a reply back.

S- 'of course you dork, look, I am sorry about what I said, okay? I was just so hurt and angry... I still love you Adam, I never stopped... I'll be gone for less than a week, I promise. I just need to tell dad that I'm marrying you.'

Adam smiled at the reply. He decided to call instead, he missed Sauli's voice so much. The voice he fell in love with.

S- Adam, why are you calling?

A- Wanted to hear your voice again. How do you think your dad will react?

S- Probably kick me out straight away, Heh, at least I know my father won't walk me down that aisle.

A- I'm sorry. Look, please come home soon. I miss you, I miss your smile, your laugh, your everything.

S- I miss you too, Adam. I've got to go, my planes boarding, I'll message you when I land, okay?

A- Okay. I love you.

S- I love you too, Addy. See you soon.
*dial tone*

Adam laid back on the bed, stretching as he did so, Adam felt happy, he got his Sauli back, that's all he wanted...

"Adam?" Tommy's voice spoke from downstairs. Adam heard his footsteps coming up the stairs. "Where's Sauli?" He asked as he stood in the doorway.

"Going home for a few days." Adam spoke, swinging his legs off the bed.

"So... You two over?" Tommy questioned. Adam frowned.

"No." He spoke bluntly.

"Adam, come on!" Tommy groaned, Adam stood. "He is nothing but trouble, you've gotten worse with your mental illness since he's been around, think about it!"

"I don't need to think about it! Our relationship is none of your concern!"

"I'm your bestfriend, Adam, how is it not my concern?"

"If you were my bestfriend, you'd be happy and accept that I love him, okay?" Adam was getting annoyed.

"Whatever. Do what you want, Lisa is waiting downstairs, don't say I didn't warn you when this come crashing down!"

"Fuck off, Thomas!" Adam shouted, slamming his bedroom door in Tommy's face. Tommy stood back.

Adam never called him by his actual name, always by his nickname... Sauli had ruined their friendship... Which means Sauli will pay.

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