21|| Getting Arrested.

145 11 4

Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this update and I do hope you enjoy the badass Sauli ;)

"So, what kind of wedding are you two having?" Lisa questions, placing her legs on Tommy's lap.

"Well, Adam is a more darker person whereas I'm a sunshine person." Sauli laughs. Adam takes a drink from his beer, chuckling at Sauli's comment.

"So, who's the groom and who's the bride?" Tommy snickers, Lisa kicks him in the chest. "Ow, it was an innocent question." Tommy defends, holding his chest.

"Well." Sauli smirks. "I wear the pants in the relationship." Adam almost chokes on his beer.

"I wear the pants too!" Adam says.

"Shorts, maybe." Sauli laughs, making Tommy laugh. "There won't be a bride, we're both grooms, you dumbarse." Sauli says, standing and kicking Tommy in the leg gently. "Anyone want another beer?"

"Yeah, I would love one, babe." Adam smiles, Lisa and Tommy nod a yes at Sauli and he leaves the room.

"I'm happy for you, Adam." Lisa smiles. "Seriously, I am so proud." She says as Sauli hands her and Tommy their beers, he hands Adam's his and sits down next to him on the couch.

"So, when are you guys planning the wedding?" Tommy asks, taking a drink, Adam's phone rings.

"Suse' me for a moment." Adam smiles before walking out the room.

"Adam and I plan to have it within a few months, when things are a little better." Sauli smiles warmly, taking a drink.

"What does that mean? Better?" Tommy questions.

"We've just been having petty arguments lately, it's nothing serious."

"Oh, was that the reason Adam wouldn't answer his damn phone for three days?" Tommy asks, Sauli frowns. He didn't know what Adam was like when he left..

"What do you mean?" Sauli speaks as he sits up.

"Adam just shut himself out for three days straight, I was just assuming you two got into a pretty heated argument?"

"Yeah, we did. I uh, I kinda left." Sauli scratches the back of his neck, looking down awkwardly.

"You left?" Lisa questions, raising her eyebrow.

"I went back home, to think. And I realised that Adam was all that I wanted so I brought a ring and flew back to LA." Sauli chuckles softly.

"You made a horrible thing turn out to be so beautiful." Lisa smiles. Adam walks back in.

"I just quit my job." He says bluntly.

"Wait, why!? What happened?" Sauli asks, standing to his feet.

"They said they wanted me to be straight, to lure more of an audience in." Adam's stare goes down, Sauli knew he was hurting. "Look, I'm not cut out for singing anyway, it was a dumb idea in the first place."

"Woah, dumb!? Are you insane? Everyone loved your song!" Tommy says, trying to give Adam his happy-go-lucky spirit back.

"That's the thing; they loved my song, my voice. Not me." Adam groans. "I'm just really tired, I'm going to head to bed." He spoke, walking upstairs.

Sauli sighed. "I need to go out, do you mind staying here to look after him? I just don't want him to be alone."

"Sure, where you going?" Tommy asks as Lisa puts the empty beer bottles in the sink.

"To fix this problem." Sauli says sternly, leaving the house.

Sauli walked into Michael's brand new office, baseball bat in hand, he had changed his clothes in the car, he was now wearing black skinny jeans with combat boots, he had on a plain black yd shirt with a black leather jacket. He had faint eyeliner on. And boy, was he one pissed off badass.

"Sauli?" Michael spoke as the door was kicked open, Sauli stood there, anger in his eyes. This man had made his fiancè quit his job because they couldn't accept the fact that he was gay. Why do people feel the need to make comments on other people's lives!? Their preferences in life was no one's concern yet people make it their top priority to care.

"Why does Adam's personal life concern you so much? Hmm?" Sauli asks, looking him dead in the eye.

"It-it doesn't." Michael spoke, barely getting the words out. "I-I just tho-thought-"

"Thought what?" Sauli shouts, cutting Michael off. He walked towards his desk. "Thought that you could convince my fiancè to pretend to be straight!? What, you homophobic now!?"

"No, it was nothing like that! I just wanted what was best for Adam!" Michael spoke in a rush. "I swear, I was just thinking about him and his future!"

"YOUR future you mean, not Adam's. We all know you and your little bullshit company get about what, 10%? 20% of his profits?" Sauli snaps. He waves the baseball bat around, grabbing it with both hands, he hits the glass door, sending it shattering. "See this glass that shattered before your eyes!? THAT IS HOW ADAM FEELS RIGHT NOW!! He fucking trusted you, Michael!"

"That is expensive glass!" Michael yells, again, Sauli smashes the second door.

"The funny thing is, you can buy new glass, new doors but one thing you won't buy back after damaging, is trust!"

Michael stands to his feet. "Leave my premises! Security are on their way and so are the police!"

"You can have a great time explaining why I've done this. They can arrest me, charge me, I really don't give a single godforsaken fuck!" Sauli laughs.

"You know what? I'm glad Adam is out of the picture, we didn't want to take him because he is gay, and his voice? Haha, do you know how much autotune we needed? Your fiancè is pathetic and was a waste of our time, but not our bank." Michael smirks, sirens were in the distant. Sauli knew he was saying this to stir Sauli up, he could hear Adam's voice in his head, telling him to back away, that the damage was done but something inside Sauli ignited for the first time ever and his true anger was shown.

Sauli balled his fist up, punching Michael square in the nose, he heard a crack, knowing he had broken it. Sauli didn't stop, he hit Michael again and again until they were on the floor, he didn't stop until someone dragged him away.

He hadn't realised the full damage until he felt metal go around his wrists and an officer speaking to him, the room went slow motion for Sauli and all noise was blocked out, Michael's face was pretty fucked up, but in a few weeks would be back to normal. Sauli was dragged outside to a police car where he knew that he was in deep shit.

He didn't regret it though, not for even a second.

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