9|| Getting Saved

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I was listening to 'All I want' By Kodaline while writing this so the tears poured. The song gets me so hard as it relates to me so much so expect some references in this chapter. X this is a really short chapter and really emotional but I'll make sure the next part will be longer to make it up!!!

Adam got into his car, he wasn't too sure as to where he was driving but he knew what he would do. He knew exactly what to do.

He couldn't stop thinking about Sauli, the little blonde Finnish dork stayed lingering in his mind. He goes home tonight and there's nothing Adam could do to stop it...

20 minutes into driving, Adam stopped at a cliffs edge, the sun was going down slowly which made the sunset look beautiful against the waves below the cliff. Adam shut the car door, walking against the wind towards the edge. He pulled his phone out, dialling Sauli's number. He wanted to say goodbye.

S- Adam?

A- Hey, Sauli.

S- Why are you calling?

A- To say goodbye. I know that you don't have a choice to go or not but remember I always love you, that's one thing that'll never chance. You brought out the best in my and that's a part of me I don't see.

S- You don't have to say goodbye. I'll see you soon. In time.

A- No... I do have to say goodbye... I love you.

*dial tone*

Sauli frowned as his phone as he sat back down, waiting for his plane to depart.

"Who was that?" Sauli's Dad asks as he reads a newspaper.

"Was no one." Sauli sighs. He checks his phone to see a message from Adam.

"I wish things hadn't turned out like this, I'm sorry."

Sauli went to reply when he suddenly realised. Adam wasn't saying goodbye to him, he wasn't meaning the trip, he meant him. Sauli stood to his feet quickly, bolting out of the doors. He ignored the fact that his father was yelling after him. He hailed a taxi as soon as possible while trying to find Adam's location.

Adam threw his phone to the ground, ignoring the calls and texts he was getting from Sauli and Tommy. For the first time in his life, he felt as if he was doing something right. This moment, right here, Adam knew that it was his time, just a small step over and he'll be underwater, to be forgotten by the world, the cruel world. Because it's better to drown than to feel as if you're drowning with no water. Tears spilled from his eyes as he felt the cold, bitter wind push against it face.

Before he could jump, he heard tires screeching against the dirt behind him and a door slamming shut.

"ADAM!" Sauli's voice screams over the loud waves crashing against the rocks below. But there were more footsteps than just Sauli's, Adam turned to see Tommy. 'Why did they have to make this difficult." Adam thought, tears spilling even more.

"Just go!" Adam cried. "Leave!"

"Step away from the edge, Adam. Please we can talk about this!" Sauli spoke quietly but loud enough. Tommy stood near the car, shock plastered on his face.

"Sauli, just go... Please... I need you to go."

"Addy, I can't let you go." Sauli said as tears filled his eyes. (Ey song references)

"I-I don't want to live anymore, Sauli." Adam cried, moving backwards a little bit. "I can't live with my memories... They're killing me."

"I need you! I need you to live, Adam! Tommy needs you! Your family needs you."


"And I will fix it." Sauli speaks, his hand reached out. "Just step away from the edge and we'll sort it out together."

Adam turns his back to Sauli. "I'm sorry." He speaks, his body moves forwards.

"ADAM!" Sauli screams as he watches Adam fall, "CALL 911! I'M GOING IN!" Sauli shouts towards Tommy.

In a split second, Adam feels free, the water rushes into his body in a big wave. But in that split second he felt stupid for jumping, as the water sent him under even more, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him, pulling him up to the surface of the water. Before Adam could see who it was, his vision became blurry and he fell into darkness.

Adam's eyes flew open, he scanned the area, he was in a hospital bed attached to machines. He didn't want to be here. As Adam started ripping out the tubes from his arms, causing the machines to go crazy, a doctor walked in.

"Mr Lambert, you need to stay in bed!" The doctor spoke, it was a different doctor than his usual Dr Young. Adam shrugged the doctor off, swinging his legs off the bed.

"Don't you see? I don't want to be here!" Adam yells. The door opens again, revealing Sauli.

"Adam? What are you doing?" Sauli asked quietly.

"I don't want to be here! I was supposed to die! That was my plan!" Adam cries, the tears just came and the lump in his throat came unexpectedly, surprising himself. "Please... I don't want to be here." Adam cries as he looks at Sauli.

"You have to be here Mr Lambert, you are not well to leave." The doctor speaks.

"I don't mean the hospital." Adam says. "I mean this world! I-I don't want... To be alive." Adam breaks down onto the floor, his legs basically giving away. "Why couldn't you just let me die? WHY?"

No words were spoken, instead Sauli holds Adam close and tight. Comforting him as he breaks down.

He didn't know what to say, he didn't want to say he knew how he feels because he really didn't, he had thoughts but not as bad as Adam's.

Adam cried onto Sauli's shoulder as he held him tight. He felt weak, pathetic, worthless, breaking down in front of Sauli. But he didn't mean it, normally he could stop it but it came unexpectedly. He was saved without wanting it. But everyone needs to be saved by someone without wanting it. 

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