22|| Court & Two Months.

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Sauli groaned as he adjusted himself on the hard bed that lay in his jail cell. He didn't regret what he did, he was proud of himself for what he did to Michael.

"Sauli!?" Adam's voice spoke, worry in his voice, Sauli watched as Adam walked over to where he was. "What the hell did you do!?" Adam spoke, Tommy and Lisa were with him, Bridget in Tommy's arms.

"I kind of-you know, beat the fuck out of Michael." Sauli chuckled.

"Hey! Four year old present." Tommy spoke sternly.

"Sorry." Sauli says softly, smiling at Bridget. "I just snapped I guess."

"Oh Sauli!" Adam groaned. "I could have handled this myself!"

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm paying the price for it." Sauli sighed.

"What does that mean?" Lisa questions. Tommy hands Bridget to Adam as she wanted him, he rested her on his hip.

"I have court tomorrow afternoon, Michael's taking me."

"But they'll most likely just charge you with assault, right?" Tommy questions. Sauli laughs sarcastically.

"Not quite." He says. "I was carrying what they call, a weapon, I smashed 10 grand worth of glass and almost killed Michael." Sauli sighs.

"Jesus Christ, Sauli." Adam groans. "That means I can't bail you out." He sighs heavily.

"Mr Koskinen's friends?" An officer speaks suddenly. "I'm afraid that visiting hours are over, you can come back tomorrow." He says, leading them away from the cell.

"I'll be with you tomorrow, in court. Do you understand?" Adam says sternly, Sauli nods, sitting back down.

||Court Day||

Sauli took in a deep breath as he sat down with his lawyer. Adam was sitting behind him with Tommy, Neil, Lisa, her husband and Bridget. Sauli looked over at Michael with his lawer, Michael looked back, smirking at him with a devious look.

"All rise for the hounrable judge!" An officer spoke loudly, everyone in the room stood. The judge walked into the room, sitting down on her seat.

"You may be seated." She spoke sternly, not gazing her eyes upon the audience. "We are here to discuss a manslaughter attempt and property damage towards Michael Penner, is this correct?"

"Yes ma'am." Michael's lawyer speaks. Sauli couldn't believe it, manslaughter? Are they for real?

"Alright, I would like to get Mr Penner to the witness booth to get this over and done with as soon as possible." The judge speaks, bitter old bitch she is. Michael, with the help of his lawyer, walked to the booth. "Now, Mr Penner, could you please explain in clear detail what exactly happened between you and Mr Koskinen."

"Sauli walked into my office late yesterdays' afternoon, baseball bat in hand and anger in his eyes." Michael spoke, staring at Sauli with a cold stare. "He bashed out two of my windows, expensive ones, then proceeded to bash my face in."

"Thank you, Mr Penner, did you say or do anything to provoke Mr Koskinen?"

"Of course not, he just snapped, Ma'am, he is unstable!" Michael glares. Sauli stands to his feet quick.

"That is a lie!" Sauli shouts, anger boiling in his blood, his lawyer shook his hand.

"It's no use." His lawyer, Andy whispered.

"Mr Koskinen, I did not ask you to speak, please be seated!" The judge yelled loudly. Sauli bit his tounge, sitting down carefully. "Mr Penner, you may go back to your seat without any disturbence, Mr Koskinen would you please like to take a seat since you have so much to say."

Sauli stood, walking towards the booth, passing by Michael on the way.

"Good luck." Michael whispers, winking towards Sauli. Sauli groans, pushing Michael.

"Without disturbence, gentlemen!" The judge yells, Sauli sits down on the booth, he could see Adam's facial experssion and it looked like fear. "Mr Koskinen, we would like to have your view on this." Her voice sounded as if she didn't give a shit about what Sauli had to say, it felt one sided...

"Michael wanted Adam, my fiance, to lie about who he is and who he's attracted to, Adam didn't want to live a life of lies so he quit, something inside of me must've snapped as I left the house to go see Michael."

"And when you saw Mr Penner, you resorted to a very violent attack, am I correct?"

"Yes Ma'am." Sauli spoke, looking over at Adam and the crowd.

"I've heard enough." The judge spoke suddenly, Adam's eyes widened. "Mr Koskinen I sentence you to 2 months imprisonment. Case dismissed." Sauli's breathing got rapid.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" Adam screamed suddenly. "THIS HAS BEEN ONE SIDED THIS WHOLE TIME!" The judge stopped walking, staring at Adam.

"I beg your pardon?" She spoke. "How dare you speak to me in that manor?"

"Maybe if you weren't taking Michael's side, you'd understand why Sauli reacted to this homophoibc act!" Adam yelled again.

"Sir, come with me, please." A police officer spoke, grabbing Adam's arm.

"Fine, fine, I'm going!" Adam defended. "Wait until you see how much of a fraud your judge is." Adam groaned.

"Mr Koskinen." Another officer spoke, placing handcuffs on his wrists.

Sauli was going to jail for two months... It's not long.... Right? Adam will be fine? He'll be... fine.

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