Authors Note~

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Heya guys, sorry that this isn't an update, I am incredibly drunk right now so ahaha, anywhooo just letting you guys know that there won't an update for about two days due to some things happening right now and I'm not in the right mindset, I don't want to write up a chapter when I have emotional thoughts running through my head because I write what I feel, I feel happy, a happy chapter, etc.

Please let me know how you are all liking this story so far! Means a lot to get feedback from the audience, and I do apologize if I don't read many of your amazing stories, just know they're in my library and I will get to them in time, school is just so overwhelming right now and I'm slowly getting over heartbreak.

Let me know in the comments below what you would like to see in the upcoming chapters and I'll listen to your suggestions, I want you guys to love this story because what's a story without the audience? Thank you guys again so much! Love you all soooooo much!!

P.s, don't stay in school, do drugs and have the time of your life. (not seriously, don't do drugs, bad bad.) I may be off my face right now but that is just to rid my bad arse thoughts! Make life amazing, don't dwell on too much, don't stress about it because you'll make it out stronger! You're not alone in the aftermath and never should be.

P.p.s, I'm surprised there's like no errors in this lol. Love you buttercups. <3

I am that messed up that I forgot to publish this part omg

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