11|| Are You Proud?

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Hey guys! This chapter is really cute and adorable! I'm pretty upset today because my fish, Adam, has been eaten by a neighbours cat and I loved that fish more than anything ;-; but please enjoy. Thank you for all your support so far in this book ❤❤ (gets kinda sad near the end) and I do apologise if this is a shitty ass chapter, will make up for it, I promise ❤❤❤

"How much clothes does one person need?" Tommy groans as he hands Adam the last box of Sauli's stuff.

"I need a lot, okay?" Sauli laughs as he messes up Tommy's hair.

"Well." Adam speaks as he places the final box down. "We are done." He laughs.

They all sat down on the hallway floor, exhausted. Sauli was now officially moved into Adam's house. After a week of dealing with boxes and furniture, it was done. Adam was happy that Sauli is now with him a lot more happy and in a sort of stable place, Sauli had pestered him to go back to the psychologist on Monday and to stop him from nagging, Adam agreed.

"I should get going, it's getting pretty late." Tommy spoke, standing to his feet.

"Alright, thanks again for helping." Sauli smiles. Adam stands, helping Sauli up.

"Seeya love-birds." Tommy laughs, leaving the house. Adam wraps his arms around Sauli.

"I'm so happy, and I never say that often." Adam smiles, letting Sauli go as they walk upstairs and into their room.

"I'm happy too but not happy that I have to unpack." Sauli giggles, sitting on the bed.

"We." Adam corrects. "We have to unpack, but we have plenty of time to do that." Adam smirks, tackling Sauli on the bed, his kisses him softly.

The kissing got heated as Adam straddled Sauli, pinning his hands to his side, Sauli moaned into the kiss as Adam grinded against him.

"I love you." Sauli whispers softly.

"I love you too." Adam smiles, pulling him into another kiss.

(we all know where this went )

Adam woke up early to the sound of his phone ringing, he groaned as he pulled away from Sauli's arms gently, picking up his phone and placing it near his ear as he sat upright.

A- Adam speaking.

N- Adam, it's Neil.

A- Oh, what do you want at this time of morning?

N- Dad passed away last night.

A- *silence*

N- He died peacefully in his sleep.

A- When's the funeral?

N- Wednesday, Mom was going to call and sort that out with you later today.

A- I'll be there, just uh, give me the details.

N- I'm sorry, about everything Adam.

A- It's uh, it's really nothing.

N- No it is something, we all treated you like complete shit for being yourself, Mom is tearing herself up for it.

A- Look, I have to go, just send me the details about Wednesday and I'll definitely be there.
*dial tone*

Adam puts the phone down gently, placing his head into his hands, the tears poured out. His father was gone, the man who raised him to be who he is today, the man who threw him away once his found out he was gay, the man he loved is gone... And as much as Adam wished that he'd die, he wishes he could take it all back, he wishes he could've said goodbye...

"Adam?" Sauli's tired voice spoke, confused as to why his partner was breaking down. "What's wrong?" He asked, sitting next to him, an arm around his shoulder.

"Dad died last night." Adam spoke between cries, his voice breaking with each word. Sauli didn't say anything but hug him tightly as Adam cried. "As much as I hated him, he's my father, the man who raised me."

"I know baby, I know." Sauli spoke quietly, comforting him as much as humanly possible. "Is there going to be a funeral?"

"This Wednesday." Adam replied, wiping the tears away.

"You want me to come with you?"

"I would love that, babe."

**day of funeral, sorry for time skip**

Adam walked towards his family, towards the coffin which laid his father. Sauli was by his side and Tommy behind him. Adam was petrified of seeing his family, of seeing their faces of shame, they stared at him as if saying 'how dare he come here'

"Adam!" Leila spoke, wrapping her arms around her son. Adam looked at her, her eyes seemed worn out, probably staying up late crying.

"Hey Mom." Adam says blandly. He loved his mother to death but the fact that she allowed his father to say those cruel things was insane.

"I'm so sorry." She cries, Adam hugs her tightly.

"Don't be. Please." He spoke softly.

Adam didn't say anything to any of the other family members, not even Neil, he didn't want to speak to them, he didn't want to say a single godforsaken word. He was here for his father, not them. He wanted to say goodbye.

The service went on for about an hour, many people said speeches, many people besides Adam. He held tightly onto Sauli's hand, making his family members frown in his direction. He didn't care though, he stopped caring the day they labelled him a freak. As it ended, Neil walked over to Adam as everyone was leaving.

"Dad had this in his hand when the doctors found him, no one opened it out if respect." Neil spoke, handing Adam an envelope with his name written on it with nice cursive handwriting.

"Thanks." Adam speaks, taking the letter, afraid of what it holds.

"Mom also told me to tell you that some money will be put into your account, the money dad left us both." Neil sighs. "Take care, Adam." He says as he walks away, the graveyard was now empty, all that was left was Adam, Sauli, and Tommy.

"You coming Adam?" Sauli asked.

"I need to say goodbye, I'll meet you two at the car." Adam smiles warmly at them both as they walk away.

Adam knelt down on the soft grass, his hand going over the initials on the tombstone.

"All my life you have been the one to protect me, to keep me safe and away from any danger, but you were my danger." Adam sighed. "The day I told you that I was gay, that was the day that your mask came off, revealing the ugly side to you. Do you remember that day in 2010? You kicked me out onto the street, saying I was no longer your son? 5 years have past since that day and I never ever stopped loving you, I hated you, I wished death upon you, but I fucking loved you." Adam had tears pouring. "I nearly killed myself, I jumped off a cliff, Sauli saved me and not once did you or Mom call to check up on me. Not a single fucking call! How does that make you feel? That you would've been the one to bury your eldest son!? Bet that makes you proud, doesn't it?! That I would've done something right for once! That death was the only way to make you proud.?! I'm in love with Sauli, Dad, he is someone I want to spend my life with, someone I want to marry and build my life around. Why couldn't you be happy?" Adam stood to his feet. "Are you happy now for me? Are you?"

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