14|| Youre All I Need

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Special update because it is the 18th of October today which means it Tommy's birthday!!! Mines tomorrow and I'm more excited about TJ's ahahah ❤❤

Adam saw Tommy walk into the hospital ward, Sauli behind him, Adam's heart skipped a beat, Sauli looked as if he hadn't slept in awhile yet he still looked a million dollars.

"Hey." Adam smiled warmly, sitting up in his bed.

"How are you?" Sauli asked nervously, avoiding eye contact.

"Sore but better." Adam smiles. "Don't be so awkward, come sit down."

Sauli and Tommy sit down on both sides of Adam, Tommy on his right and Sauli on his left.

"I'm sorry about what happened." Sauli whispers softly, eyes staying down.

"I should be the one to apologise, I Should've acted more mature and shouldn't have over reacted as much." Adam sighs. "I was just so angry."

"We understand that, it really was my fault, I don't even know what I was thinking, like come one, I'm straight." Tommy spoke. "Your reaction wasn't stupid or anything else that you're thinking but can you just let us help you? To get better?"

"I will, I will get better, baby steps." Adam grins. "I kicked my Mom and brother out of here, heard Mom wouldn't let you see me." Adam spoke, placing his hand over Sauli's.

"Yeah, I was pretty upset over it." Sauli sighs. "I think 'upset' is a major understatement."

"When I get out of this hell, we'll sort it all out. You two are my world and I know the things I've said and done were out of line but it's in the past. And it needs to stay there." Adam explained.

***{sorry about the lil time skips XD}

Adam entered his home, he had almost forgot the sight of it, he was in the hospital for nearly a month. It felt good to be out, good to get some decent food. Well, Tommy and Sauli would always sneak in some burgers for Adam until they got caught by Dr Young, they got frisked each time since then.

"Adam?" Sauli's voice spoke as he walked into the kitchen where Adam stood. "What were you thinking for dinner?"

"Let's go out." Adam smiles.

"No, you need to rest." Sauli spoke sternly.

"Aw come on, I've had enough rest! Please?" Adam pouts like a child begging for something.

"Fine." Sauli groaned as he laughed. "Where do you want to go?"

"Hmmm, there's this cute little Italian restaurant down the road?"

"Alright, alright. Let's go get ready." Sauli laughed as they went upstairs.

"Omg I need a proper shower!" Adam laughs as he walks into the bathroom, he stops as he accidentally kicks a glass bottle. "Sauli?" Adam asks as he walks out the bathroom, bottle in hand. "This yours?" Adam questions, frowning.

"Uh, yeah, it is, I forgot about that." Sauli says nervously, he went to speak when suddenly Adam hugged him tightly.

"I don't want you going where I went." Adam speaks seriously.

I'm already there.." Sauli thought but kept quiet. Adam pulled away from the hug.

"Wanna save some water?" Adam winks, walking back into the bathroom.

"I'd loved to but I had a shower this morning. I'll wait for you." Sauli spoke nervously, hoping Adam wouldn't ask too many questions. Adam shrugged it off.

"Alright, won't be long." Adam says, stripping down and getting into the hot water.

Adam and Sauli walked into the fancy restaurant, wearing suits as it was that fancy that if you don't wear a suit or something entirely top notch, 8/10 they wouldn't let you in. As they sat down, looking at the menus, Adam saw Sauli's mouth drop.

"Adam, have you seen how expensive this shit is?" Sauli laughs with a serious tone.

"Yeah, it's okay." Adam smiles. As the waiter came, Adam and Sauli were ready to order.

"Hi, what would you two lovely gentleman like to order this evening?" He spoke sophisticated.

"I would love the Linguine with clam sauce please." Adam smiles.

"Certainly, and yourself, sir?" He asked, looking at Sauli.

"I'll just get the same." Sauli smiles, placing down the menu.

"Of course, any beverages tonight?"

"Red wine?" Adam asks in Sauli's direction. "Your finest Red Wine please." Adam smiles as the waiter takes the menus.

"Won't be too long." He smiles, walking off.

"Can I ask a question?" Sauli asks.

"You just did." Adam laughs. "What is it?"

"What was it like? What did you see while you were asleep?"

"Darkness." Adam spoke quietly. "It was all dark, but then I had like, these dreams about my father, yelling at me to wake up." Adam sighs.

"I had no idea." Sauli answers.

"What was it like? Without me?" Adam asked.

"Sort of like you, felt like I was surrounded by darkness." Sauli speaks. "It felt as if my heart was shattering, they gave us an ultimatum, if you hadn't woken up within a few days. Normally I thought they wait for a few months, but they said you basically didn't have hope."

"An ultimatum?" Adam frowns.

"You were being kept alive by a machine, I begged your Mom not to even think about the idea, before you awoke she was thinking about it, Neil kept me updated behind her back. She was going to shut you off."

"Heh, maybe if she switched me on and off I may have woken up sooner." Adam giggled, attempting to lighten the mood, Sauli smiled a little.

"The good thing is that you're awake, you're here." Sauli smiles warmly.

"And good thing our food is here too, I'm starved." Adam laughs as he watches the waiter come with their food and another with their wine.

"Enjoy." The waiter smiled.

"Thank you." Adam and Sauli speaks at the exact same time, the wine was poured and Adam asked for them to leave it.

"Here's to us, to our future and everything that follows!" Sauli spoke, lifting his glass. They clinked together and both men ate.

30 minutes later and two empty plates and an empty bottle of wine, Adam asked for the bill. Sauli quickly took it from his hands as it was given.
Sauli's eyes stayed wide open as he saw the numbers on the bill.

"You paid a hundred fucking dollars for wine?" He spoke quietly, not wanting to cause a scene. "And 35 dollars for each meal?"

Adam laughed. "I wanted us to have a good night." He smiled innocently, taking the bill from a rather shocked Sauli. He watched as Adam placed two hundred dollar bills into the bill.

"You're crazy, Lambert." Sauli laughs as he stands.

"Well, the crazy train is ready to roll." He winks. (anyone guess what one of Adam's song this is? )

"Come on, we gotta call a cab you big dork, you can't drive under the influence and neither can I."

"Okay captain!" Adam giggles. "Ugh."

"What?" Sauli laughs as he puts his phone back in his pocket.

"I just want to go home and make love to you." Adam groans, leaning against Sauli.

Sauli groped Adam's groin. "You'll just have to wait." He winked as he walks towards the cab, giving the driver their address.

"You're so going to pay for that." Adam laughs as he gets into the cab.

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