6|| I Want You To Be Mine, Babe.

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Quick note; this is a really cute chapter and I am sorry if it is bland or short, there is a lot of talking and cute Saulbert moments! I tried to make this chapter happy and adorable! Enjoy~

"Woah, Sauli, you really got angry with him." Adam laughs as they walk out of the hospital doors and to Sauli's car.

"Heh, I didn't mean to, sorry if it was too much." Sauli replies as he got into the drivers seat.

"Trust me, I have never been able to stand up to him like that." Adam smiles. "What happened between your parents and you?" Adam asks as they stop at a traffic light, he winds the window down to get some air.

"Similar to your Dad I guess, my Father hasn't been so welcoming with my whole sexuality business, he still wants me to marry some girl that I don't even like."

"An arranged marriage?"

"Yeah, that thing." Sauli sighs. "He said that when I get home, there will be some wedding." Adam's heart sank, sending it shattering.

The rest of the ride home was in a silence, Adam didn't know what to say, he was going to lose Sauli when he leaves... He didn't want to lose him, he wanted Sauli to stay with him... Together.

"I got to go home, I have to get up early in the morning." Sauli spoke as they arrived at Adam's.

"That's fine." Adam smiled, he was hurting inside... Badly.

"I'll pop in after school, is that okay?"

"That is more than fine." Adam kissed Sauli on the cheek as he got out of the car, he waved him goodbye, entering his home.

Adam shut his front door, placing his phone, keys and medication on the hallway table. He sat down on the sofa, turning on his T.V for background noise as he lays down, staring at the ceiling. He's falling for a man who is engaged... But he did say he doesn't want it, right?

"Fuck me dead." Adam groaned as he stood up, making his way to the kitchen. "Food, food, food." Adam mumbled, opening the fridge, staring at the contents, he still hasn't gone shopping, most of his food was moldy or simply not what he's wanting.

Adam knew he shouldn't be going out, he was ordered to be on bed rest for at least a week, but he was starving and feeling like tacos. He grabbed his keys and phone, making his way to his car. He laughed to himself as he could already picture Sauli scolding him for leaving. He turned on the ignition, reversing out of the drive-way. He turned up the stereo and lit up a smoke.


As Sauli rolled over in bed, he couldn't get his mind to rest, all that he could do was worry about Adam. He needed to call to see how he is but he didn't want to seem obsessive or too clingy... But something didn't feel right in the back of his mind.
He finally gave in and decided to call, just to see how he is.

A- Adam speaking

S- Hey, it's Sauli.

A- Oh hey, is everything okay?

S- Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine, I was actually just calling to see how you are.

A- Oh, uh, I'm fine.

S- You don't sound so sure.

A- Well it is 2 am and I may or may not be a bit drunk.

S- You aren't supposed to be drinking!

A- Yeah I know but I couldn't help it, haha.

S- Adam, you're a fool, you know that?

A- Heh, come here and say that to me.

S- Be there in ten. *Dial tone*

Adam stared at the phone in his hand.

"He isn't serious is he?" Adam slurred to himself as he sat up in bed, his head buzzed, meaning a headache is on it's way. Adam stood to his feet, kicking an empty bottle of bourbon over. "Ahh shit balls." Adam yelled as he held his head, the noise was so loud.

Adam sat in the lounge room, he wasn't sure if Sauli was serious or not... and sure enough, not even five minutes later, he heard a knock on his door. 'He was serious' Adam thought as he walked to the front door, almost tripping on his own foot.

"Hey, dork." Sauli smiles as Adam opens the front door, he was still looking at his foot. "Are you okay?" Sauli asked, Adam looked up at him, pouting.

"There's a hole in my sock." He whinged as Sauli entered the house, shutting the front door behind him. "How did it get there?" Adam pouted again, still looking down at his foot.

"I think we have bigger problems than your holy sock." Sauli laughed at his pun, Adam chuckled. "You're drinking with a liver that is very unhealthy."

"Yeah, I know I am not supposed to but my thoughts were killing me, I needed to drown them out somehow." Adam spoke quietly. "I'm sorry."

Sauli's arms wrapped around Adam suddenly, Adam stood awkwardly, the hug happened so quick that it took him a moment to realise what was happening.

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault and in a way I am glad you chose alcohol to drown your problems rather than something worse." Sauli spoke as Adam wrapped his arms around Sauli.

"Fancy making a cake?" Adam smiled as they pulled away from the hug.

"It's nearly three in the morning." Sauli laughed. "But okay, I'm up for it." He smiles as Adam drags him to the kitchen.

About twenty minutes in and both boys are covered in flour and cake mix, Adam stared at the cake batter, something was missing..

"Did we put all the ingredients in?" Adam asked as he frowned.

"I think we did, didn't we?" Sauli spoke, moving backwards to look at the kitchen counter that was messy. "Uh, Adam." Sauli laughed.


"We forgot the eggs." Sauli spoke while bursting out laughing.

"I thought you put them in." Adam spoke as he joined in with the laughter.

"I thought you did!" Sauli spoke as he tried to compose himself. "You think it will be the same without them?"

"Only one way to find out." Adam placed the cake in the oven and smiled at their somewhat achievement. As Adam turned around, he burst out laughing, Sauli had flour in his hair.

"And what are you laughing at?" Sauli smirked as he turned around.

"You-you have flour... in your hair." Adam spoke in-between laughs. That was until Sauli placed flour into Adam's black hair.

"You little shit!" Adam laughed, Sauli bolted out of the kitchen as soon as he saw Adam grab the flour bag. "Come here." He laughed as Sauli stood at one end of the dining table and Adam stood at the other. 

"Come and get me, Lambert." Sauli teased, Adam ran to the other end quicker than Sauli could react, Adam tackled him down, putting flour all through his hair.

"Gotcha." Adam smirked as he straddled Sauli. The laughing stopped as they lay there, staring into each others eyes.

"I want you to be mine, babe." Sauli spoke quietly. Adam smiled like a dork.

"I want to be yours." He whispered, their lips crashing together as if tomorrow wouldn't come.

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