7|| Setting Up A Fake Relationship

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hey guys, wanting to quickly let you know DO NOT google image search "Naked Love|| Saulbert" like I did out of curiosity, if you want to keep your innocence that is, just trust me with this, DO NOT DO IT.
Also, Osmo is Sauli's Dad's name, correct? I am not too sure but I am 95% sure it is. Enjoyyyy!

Adam rolled over in bed to be met with the warmth of Sauli, he had forgotten what it had felt like, to fall asleep next to someone you truly were falling for, Adam hadn't been with anyone in almost five years and it brought a glimmer of sunshine into his kingdom of darkness.

"Morning." Sauli spoke softly, his morning voice made Adam smile.

"Hey." Adam replied with a goofy smile. Adam went to kiss Sauli when but he covered his mouth, causing Adam to frown in confusion.

"Morning breath." Sauli laughed gently, Adam pushed his hands out of the way, kissing him before he could cover his lips again.

"You could have vomit breath and I'd still kiss you." Adam spoke. "Do you have school today?" He asked, swinging his legs off the bed, forcing himself out of the warmth and safety that his blankets and Sauli provided.

"Nah, I got today off because I wanted to come with you to your appointment." Adam had completely forgotten about his doctors appointment, he gets his results back on the brain scan they did. "Did you forget?" Sauli spoke, standing in front of Adam, he had no shirt on just like Adam. Adam gazed at his tan and buff body, it was heaven.

"Maybe." Adam smirked. He stood up, walking to the bathroom. "I have a spare toothbrush you can use!" Adam yelled out to Sauli in the bedroom. Sauli toddled into the bathroom now with a shirt.

"Thanks." He smiled as he took the blue toothbrush from Adam's hand, applying some paste. As they were brushing their teeth, Adam flicked some water at Sauli, laughing as he glared Adam. "We really going to have another challenge?" Sauli laughed as he rinsed his mouth.

"Hey at least I didn't forget to put eggs in the cake!" Adam smirked, going back into the bedroom.

"The damn thing still tasted fine without it, I don't know what you're on about." Sauli spoke as he tackled Adam onto the bed. His lips met Adam's as they lay there pashing.

Adam pulled away, "I guess we better get going" he pouted. Sauli hopped off him and stretched.

"I guess we better. Shit, I have toothpaste on my shirt." Sauli frowned as he stared at his stomach.

"Here." Adam said, chucking Sauli a black shirt. "We'll make sure to get you a baby bib next time." Adam teased as he put on his black combat boots, applying some faint eyeliner.

"Oh ha ha."

Adam and Sauli made their way downstairs and out the front door to Adam's car.

"Good morning, Adam." Adam's Doctor, Dr Young spoke, smiling at Adam and Sauli.

"Morning." Adam yawned as he swayed his legs. He was seated on the bed while Sauli sat on the chair.

"We have your results back from the MRI and everything seems perfectly fine, we can't seem to see anything that may have caused your head pains prior to collapsing." Dr Young spoke. "Do you remember what had happened before you fainted?"

"I was giving a talk in assembly about depression and the last thing I remember was a student asking if I had ever felt depressed or anything." Adam spoke. Dr Young sighed.

"You probably had memories flood back, suppressed memories that you had tried to place in the back of your mind, making sure you'd forget them." He explained. "The talk about depression must have made them swim to the front of your mind, making you forcibly remember."

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