44|| An Unexpected Death...

121 9 7

song choice for this chapter: The Scientist by Coldplay

Hi dolls, so I accidentally published this part without fully completing it by accident the other day but now it's got a few changes and is complete! Love you all 💞

Adam opened the front door, letting Tommy in. He walked in quietly, his eyes seeming worn out from crying. Adam shut the door and walked into the lounge room where Sauli was sitting with Säde in his arms. She wakes up whenever Adam or Sauli wake up. Even if they try to be quiet.

"So what's so urgent to call me at like 4am?" Adam sighs, he stood with his dressing gown on and his arms crossed.

"It's about Allison and I." He spoke quietly.

"What about you two?" Sauli questions. "Did something happen?"

"We had a fling." Tommy spoke softly. "I really like her but there's a problem."

"That is?" Adam frowns.

"She's pregnant." Sauli and Adam glance at each other with concern. Adam was worried because of what Tommy has been doing without anyone knowing. He didn't even know that he and Allison had gotten together.

"Your baby?" Adam asks. Tommy nods. "Well, you like her don't you? Why is the a concern?"

"I'm not ready to be a dad, Adam." Tommy sighs heavily. "A baby, Adam. How am I supposed to support her and a baby?"

"You'll make it work, TJ." Adam smiles softly. "You always do, maybe a baby can help you change your ways."

"Change my ways?" He frowned. "How would a baby help?"

"I think Adam meant it will make you open your eyes a bit more. I don't know what's being going on but I do know you can't just step down from being a father because you're scared. Allison needs you and you can't just abandon her." Sauli speaks. Tommy sighs, he sits down and places his head into his hands and sighs.

"Sauli's right, TJ. Go home get some sleep and we'll work it out tomorrow when we are all together." Adam smiles, comforting Tommy. Sauli still felt a bit funny whenever Tommy and Adam were together, but Tommy just proved he likes Allison, so there's really nothing to worry about.

"We are together?" Tommy frowns. Completely oblivious to the fact Adam meant he wanted Allison here too.

"I mean together as in Allison needs to be here with us. This is a conversation she obviously needs to be apart of because she's the one pregnant." Adam speaks gently.

"Oh, right." Tommy chuckles gently, his voice still sounding stressed. "I will come back tomorrow then, what time is best?"

"around midday?"

"Sounds good. We need to get Säde back to sleep." Sauli smiles. Tommy stands to his feet and gives Adam a hug. Sauli simply walked into the kitchen.

"Is he okay?" Tommy asked, pulling away from Adam.

"He's just still a little on edge after what happen." Adam sighed. "Just go home and sleep, we'll sort everything out tomorrow." Tommy nodded and left the lounge room, letting himself out. He got into his car and drove to his small apartment.

Once he was inside, he slammed his door shut. He threw his phone down on the bed and paced the room.

"How can I be a father?" He thought to himself. "Look at me, that poor kid deserves a better father... Someone who isn't fucked in the head."

Tommy was dragged away from his thoughts and pacing to his phone ringing. He looked at the caller I.D. Allison. He had been ignoring her for the past two hours. He felt shitty enough. He let the phone ring out and sat on his bed. His phone buzzed again with a text from her.

"Fine, you want to keep ignoring me? That's fine. I'll deal with this on my fucking own! I get that it's a shock but it takes two to tango and I am being a mature one with this all. You? What are you doing besides killing yourself mentally!? I will stop bothering, Thomas. I've been on my own this long, I'm sure I can survive the next 9 months on my own. Goodbye."

Tommy threw his phone at his bedroom window, he heard it smash and could see bits of the screen glistening on the wall. He let the tears fall down softly. He didn't want to leave Allison, yeah, it was a one night fling but he is starting to like her more and more. But he is petrified of loving someone. It's bad enough Adam keeps playing with his head.

"FUCK!" Tommy screams aloud as he suddenly tears apart his room. Books and lamps get thrown. He smashes his favourite guitars and slams open the bathroom door. "They don't care, Tommy." He whispers.

"Adam!" Sauli's tired voice says as he nudges Adam. "Your phone is ringing." Adam groans, swinging his arm over to the bedside table and grabbing his phone.

"Whoever this is, it's 5 in the morning and some of us have children and need sleep. Can you please call back later?" He groans. Sauli turns on the light and notices Adam's face has turned white. He removed the phone from his ear and stares at Sauli with tears threatening to spill from the brim of his eyes.

"What is it?" Sauli asks, the voice on the voice continues speaking. Adam simply put the phone on loudspeaker.

"Mr Lambert, I'm sorry for your loss."

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