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a/n: look at this fuckin emo kid lmao

Kellen didn't expect her and Jungkook to split up. Nobody did, actually. Whenever she envisioned her future, he was always a part of it. So the day they fell apart was a surprise to everyone.

She tried to go on dates with other people, but nothing ever worked out. There was a large part of her heart that yearned only for Jungkook. But he was too broken to stay with her. They'd agreed to part ways so he could work on bettering himself.

They did meet up once or twice after their breakup, but that all stopped once Hoseok had disappeared. It was quite random; him leaving without even packing the things in his house. Reports were filed, but they never found him.

"Just go see him. He seems better."

"I want to trust him, I do, but how? Jimin, it is the most terrifying thing in the world to be with someone you love so much, but not know how to make them happy."

His expression darkened, and he laid back on her bed. "Trust me, I know." He muttered. "But you're here, and Jungkook needs you."

Kellen sat up from her computer chair. "His sister is probably there now, yeah?" Jimin nodded. "I think I'm gonna use that as an excuse to be near him. Are you gonna stay here, or head over to Taehyung's?"

"I'll leave. I'm afraid of your dad."

Kellen scoffed and walked over to him, ruffling his hair. "You know Taehyung likes you, right?" She smirked. Jimin groaned and covered his face.

"Stop, just go see your boyfriend!" He whined, rolling over.

After changing and fixing herself up a bit, Kellen grabbed her keys and was headed over to Jungkook's house.


Her knuckles rapped against the front door a couple times, before she backed away.

Jungkook answered the door, only wearing a white t-shirt, (lmao surprise surprise bitch) a pair of basketball shorts and some black socks. Simple, but he pulled it off.

A smile appeared on his lips, and he moved aside so Kellen could walk inside the house.

"Wow, hey, what brings you here?" Jungkook asked as they made their way to sit in the living room. "My parents took my sister out to dinner."

"Oh." Kellen frowned. "Well, I came to see her, but if she isn't here-"

"Please stay."

Kellen looked at Jungkook in disbelief. He was always begging her to do something.

She nervously wrung her hands together and shrugged. "I-I don't think I can. It's too..."

"Awkward? I promise it won't be. We can just talk, or make something to eat. Anything. Just, please, don't leave me here alone." He begged.

After a second of contemplation, Kellen decided to stay. She wanted to be around him, but it was nerve wracking.

Jungkook smiled shyly and walked with her into the kitchen. "Did you want to make anything, are you hungry?" He asked, happy that she had just saved him from doing something he would regret.

For some reason, he just felt like he had to be okay for her. He wanted to be okay for her. And he was trying so hard to get better, but so much stuff was happening all at once, and he didn't know any other way to let out his frustration and anger.

But Kellen was like a dream catcher that made his nightmares go away. Jungkook didn't know if she was just a distraction for him or what, but he did feel like he loved her. And he intended on keeping her around this time.

a/n: it's kind of slow, i know, but don't worry. and also this will probably have like maybe less than 15 or 20 chapters ok i haven't decided.

i love you, thanks for reading :)

oh ps: would you want vmin to happen ? i'm actually a yoonmin kinda girl, but i've been really into vmin these past two weeks. oh but yoongi isnt in this story so lol ok bye actually i'm making vmin happen gtgtgtgtgtgtgtg

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