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a/n: this is two parts bc i suck at writing short chapters

After that day at Jungkook's, Kellen somehow managed to distance herself even more. It wasn't intentional. She actually wanted to be around him. But she ended up staying inside her house more than before, due to nerves.

They acted so normal the last time they hung out. She laid against him, they laughed together and talked about their relationship. Now Kellen felt regretful, and found it best to isolate herself for a little while. But Jimin would come over with food every once in a while, and Taehyung would call her sometimes. Other than that, she stayed at home with her dad and younger brother.

Kellen tiptoed into the kitchen where her father was, and cleared her throat. "Uh, Jungkook is gonna come over." She said quietly.

Her father gave her a bemused look as he started rinsing the dishes off. "Okay...when did you two start talking again?" He asked.

Kellen sat on the counter and shrugged. "His moms birthday." She said. "And I hung out with him a few weeks ago. That was on accident though."

"Are you going to dress up for your boyfriend?"

Kellen rolled her eyes and hopped off the counter. She crossed her arms over her chest and turned away in annoyance.

"He's not my boyfriend anymore." She muttered. "And I haven't even invited him yet."

"Better get on it, then." Her dad grinned.

The girl shuffled into her room and grabbed her cell phone. She quickly sent a text to Jungkook, asking him to come over, then looked in the pile of clothes sitting in the corner of her room.

"What to wear..." She hummed.

Usually it wouldn't matter what she wore around him. But now it did. It was almost like they were back to square one and she had to impress him. It was almost like they were getting to start everything over.


"Long time, no see." Kellen's father said. "You seem to have gotten taller." He commented.

Jungkook nodded and sat down on the couch. "Yeah. It's uh, been a while."

An uncomfortable silence filled the entire house, and Kellen was feeling even more nervous with her father sitting right by them.

"Dad, we're um...probably gonna go in my room now. Send Jimin up when he gets here." She said, standing up. "Come on, Jungkook."

They walked up the stairs, ignoring Kellen's father reminding them to leave the door open.

a/n: part two is probably posted

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