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So, like all of my stories, past and future, this takes place in a FICTIONAL world that I created specifically for my writing. So any city names that might not make sense, are used to portray the fictional locations in this alternate universe, minus Arizona. bc that's my irl hometown and i'm using that as the main place for almost all of my stories !!! ok. And any laws, rules, or what you consider 'normal' are different in all of my stories. 

ALSO !! this story, as well as every other that I've written, are for my personal enjoyment, so if u don't like it.......then tough luck, bitchacho go find another story to complain about bc i don't care lmao

Thank you SO much if you're reading this, i luv luv LUV u LOTS and ur all my BEAUTIFUL RAYS OF SUNSHINE !!!!

PS this story does mention self harm, bc u know i'm basic as heckyyyy. but yes, it briefly mentions other mental disorders as well, and i thought i should let you all know beforehand. also please talk to someone if you're feeling depressed or anything. ily. 

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