i am my own hell

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a/n: I think I used this pic before but GAT DAMN SON WHY IS HE SO FINE

"You need to stay away from that girl."

"Mom, stop."

"I'm serious Jungkook. She's no good."

"Mom! Okay, I get it. Just stop it now. I'm tired of you always talking bad about things you don't understand." He snapped. "You're fake. You act like you care about her and like her. You even invited her over to the house! You're so ridiculous."

"How could you speak to me like that? I'm your mother, Jungkook. And so what if I don't like her? She's only brought you down."

"I can't stand you sometimes."


Jungkook glared at his reflection in the mirror. He clenched and unclenched his fists for a second, before turning away.

"Damn it."

He gripped his hair, not sure of any other way to release his frustration without slicing his wrists. "God, if you exist, I need you to help me out here. I'm going even more fucking crazy." he laughed humorlessly and slid his back down the wall until he hit the floor.

"Kellen is the love of my life. She's everything I've ever wanted but why did you have to make me like this?" he choked, not bothering to wipe the tears falling from his eyes. "I hate that I can't recover. I hate that you made me this way."

The boy cried into his hands for a few minutes. "I hate being like this. I hate it, I hate myself, I hate Kellen, I hate Jimin for being at her house right now. I should be there." he mumbled. "I should be there in her bed. Not him." he shook his head rapidly, looking at his tear stained hands.

"I have to fix myself. I have to do this for her." he stood up slowly and stumbled out into the living room where his mother was still sitting.

"Mom?" he walked closer to her. "I need help. I really don't know what I'm doing anymore. I love Kellen and I want to recover for her. I need you to help me find a way to get better." he sat beside her, his sleeves still slid up from earlier.

His mother sighed, her heart breaking at the sight of her son. "Baby, look what you've done to yourself." she sighed, sliding his sleeve up to his elbow. "I'm so sorry I never paid attention to this. We'll get you help, okay?" she tried her best to stay strong, but it was difficult when her youngest child was self mutilating behind her back. "I thought you were past this phase, but I'm sorry. I'm gonna help you. You don't need Kellen anymore, she's not good for you right now. Your friends aren't good influences. Just wait until you're recovered."

His mother felt that she was doing a good job by keeping him away from Kellen and the others. She wanted her son to be content with himself, more than she wanted him to win the love of another.

So she decided to call the nearest behavioral health place to leave him in their care. And she wouldn't tell his friends about it.

"Don't worry, Jungkook. You're gonna get better." (yall im bout to pull some Skins shit and make kellen and kookie like effy and freddie....no jk srry i won't do that)

a/n: yo yo yo

so jungkook's mom is a selfish lady who secretly hates her sons friends. so she's sending him away.

oh nooooo

anyway here's this gtg i'm hungry

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