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a/n: ok first of all BITCH. jungkook ain't that white so chill w all the whitewashing, u hoes


After Jimin woke up, the nurse gave him another checkup, then they got his medication and they left. Kellen was glad that the clinic didn't use discharge papers for patients, because none of them were actually allowed to sign for Jimin, and he was still in a dazed state of mind. 

Once Jungkook drove them all to Kellen's house, he had somehow managed to sneak in with them. Nobody said anything, because he did give them a ride back after all.

"Hey, I've got some clothes for you to change into. Be careful though." Kellen said tenderly. "I'm gonna call your mom-"

"Don't." Jimin said lowly. "Just...don't.

Kellen frowned, but nodded. The girl emitted a deep sigh as she examined Taehyung and his loving gaze that was focused on Jimin. "Alright then. I'll just let my dad know you're all here." she announced. "Jungkook...you can come with me. Taehyung, you should help Jimin get changed and into bed." She said, knowing Taehyung had plans of admitting how he felt about Jimin.

Kellen and Jungkook stood in the hallway for a minute, just looking at each other. 

"I..." The girl watched as Jungkook rubbed the inner side of his arm against his waist. "Are you okay?" She asked. 

Jungkook nodded and pulled his sleeve lower. "My arm just itches." He admitted.

Kellen's heart pounded harshly, but she nodded. "I'm sorry." 

It became silent between them, only the hushed and muffled voices of Jimin and Taehyung were heard. 

There wasn't much to say, really. And while there would previously be comfortable silent moments, this moment was awkward and tense. That was becoming a frequent feeling for the two. 

After a minute of Jungkook staring at Kellen, and Kellen staring at the floor, the boy finally said something-- unintentionally. 

"I really love you."

Kellen stared at him. She internally melted at his words, as she always did. "Oh. Thanks." she mumbled. "I really love you too, but..." She shook her head. "Things are a bit...difficult for me right now." 

Her mind had displayed before her, a script-like image. She spoke out, saying her thoughts and feelings about how much she loved him. It made Jungkook's heart swell. 

She ended it with, "But you aren't better, are you?" 

The question made Jungkook think. He nodded readily, a bit too tempted to lie to her. "I am.

Laughing breathlessly, the girl grabbed his arm softly. She noted how strongly he flinched. 

"You were just complaining about how itchy your wrist was. Jeon Jungkook, you are not better.

Kellen had never seen Jungkook's wrist. Well, she did once when she first found out that he hurt himself. It was only four gashes at the time. But as she lifted his sleeve only slightly, her heart instantly shattered. 

Pink lines that protruded from his skin were mixed with fresh, dark red scabs and thinner white lines. They were littered across the exposed part of his wrist. 

Kellen felt faint and overwhelmed. She practically collapsed to the floor, bringing Jungkook with her.

"God- oh my God. I'm so sorry, Kookie." She cried. "I'm sorry I can't do anything to make you stop this." Kellen felt like her heart was being crushed repeatedly in a giants hand. "I feel so pathetic."

Jungkook held her, and she gripped his hand tightly. He was ashamed and embarrassed of what he had caused. 

"It isn't your fault." He said in a weak voice. "Please don't cry, I'm really not worth it." 

Kellen only let out a sob, and gripped his hand tighter. "I don't want you to feel this way. I-I want you to be happy, and I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy." Tears flowed heavily from her eyes.

"No, no, baby, you do make me happy. It's just...I don't know. It's my fault. This is all my fault. I caused all of this, so please don't blame yourself. I'm the reason for my unhappiness; I don't make myself happy." 

Taehyung listened from the other side of the door. Jimin was laying down, but heard as well. They both felt bad that Kellen and Jungkook were hurting. There was nothing for them to do though. It was just something that only time could fix. 

a/n: damn son this is so basic and boring. but don't worry i'm gonna kill someone in the next chapter LMAO. thanks for readin this story. 

and also if you read Medicine ik i said i was gonna go but i literally cannot stop writing. someone smash my electronics and break all my pencils. it's 2:30AM now omg.

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