i will do this for the rest of my life

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"Good morning..."

Kellen looked up and saw her mother standing in front of her and Jungkook. They were still on the floor, and she was still wrapped in his arms.

"Oh, mom...hi." she mumbled. "I forgot to tell you that my friends were here."

Her mother nodded and looked around the hallway. "Jimin is here too, right? I thought I saw his shoes in the living room."

"Why are his shoes in the living room?" Kellen asked herself. "But yeah. He's here. And he's going to be staying here for a while, if that's okay? There's some stuff going on with him that requires my help."

Kellen's mother sighed. "He's not living with us, so don't ask. But he can stay here for a while until things are better."

The girl smiled up at her mother and nodded. "Thanks."

"Uh...hello." Jungkook said suddenly. He flinched at every movement from Kellen's mother. "I'll leave in a little bit." he said awkwardly. "It's nice to see you again, Ren." (no not the ren ur thinking abt, so chill)

The woman quirked an eyebrow, then flicked her hand at him as she turned away. "Mhm." She muttered in annoyance. "Kellen, I'm going to work. I expect your friends to be gone by the time I'm home."

Kellen frowned at her mothers rude tone, but nodded and watched her walk away.

She looked up at Jungkook and sighed, "I'm sorry. She knows about our breakup...and she was angry."

Jungkook looked down and smiled shyly. "It's alright. But I should go home now. I've overstayed my welcome, obviously."

"You're always welcome here, no matter what. My mom is just being protective."

"She never liked me anyway." Jungkook muttered.

Scoffing, Kellen pushed herself away from him. "That's a lie. She loves you still, you're like a son to her." She responded.

"Bullshit. She always wanted me gone, and she insulted me a lot. She treated me horribly."

The girl stared at him incredulously. "Yeah, actually, you can leave." Kellen stood up and opened her bedroom door.

"Jimin?" She said softly, ignoring Jungkook.

He was used to her mood swings, but even small arguments hurt him. As stated before, it made him upset to know that he could made her unhappy, when all he wanted was to give her happiness.

The boy breathed deeply in discouragement. Nothing would fix their relationship, and he was beginning to give up on the idea of them being together again.

He knew he would be lost without Kellen. She was like a lighthouse for him; she guided him through the obstacles he faced in the dark. (basically like every single thing I've ever written haha. the girl has to be light or darkness. i'm still not original tho.) But he felt hopeless. Their relationship seemed no longer salvageable.

Jungkook ignored the itching of his wrist, and left Kellen's house. He didn't know where he was going, but eventually found himself at a lake he had never seen.

The water was murky, surrounded by tall weeds, and there was a pungent mildewy smell that made him grimace. And although it was not a pleasant place to be, Jungkook didn't mind. He wanted silence, and this is where he found it.

The only downfall; silence always made him overthink. And his thoughts were still his greatest enemy.

a/n: hi sorry for not updating i've been sick but wow i am so tired now gtg bye

also p.s. i'm sorry if this is a bad update it's like almost 2AM

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