you're the reason i believe in ghosts

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After a couple of days had passed, Kellen was planning to hang out with Taehyung at the park. She dressed casual, because the weather was somewhat neutral, and they intended on walking. 

"Hey, so what's up with your sister? Do you know when she might be coming back?" Taehyung asked cautiously as they walked towards the playground equipment. Kellen didn't respond for a second.

Her heart ached every time she talked about her sister. But she did so anyway, telling her friend that it wasn't really something that could be determined by her. And that she wasn't even sure if her sister would be coming back at all. It was just something that happened whenever it did.

Taehyung was understanding, but it upset him that Tristin wasn't there for Jimin. He felt that he could be a better partner for him and he could treat him better. But he didn't want to let anyone know that he thought like that.

"So you're talking to Jungkook again?" he asked.

Kellen wanted to hit him, but knew that he was just curious and didn't think of it as anything negative. So Kellen just shrugged and kicked the sand below her. "Kind of. It's weird though...we just jumped back into how we used to act in the beginning of our relationship. I feel uneasy sometimes, when I think of how jittery he is. I feel like I'm going to break him if I get too close, or if I say something wrong. I don't want to upset him, so I've been walking on eggshells."

Taehyung nodded and sighed. "Yeah. I'm sure things will be better eventually. It takes a while for someone to adjust to such a sudden change." he said. "But really, you shouldn't just do things to avoid making him upset or whatever. Well never mind, I don't know. Do what you gotta do."

It was silent for a few minutes, until Taehyung noticed Jimin wandering around. He was dragging his feet as he walked, so obviously something was wrong. 

"Hey!" Taehyung called out, jogging towards the boy. "Are you okay?" he asked frantically. 

Kellen came up to them and touched Jimin's shoulder. He didn't even flinch at the contact. He just kept his head down, his messy hair was oily and dirty. He was even wearing the same clothes that he wore when Kellen last saw him. 

"Jimin, tell me what's wrong?" Taehyung asked, his hands on either side of Jimin's face. 

Pulling out her cell phone, Kellen called Jungkook to ask him to come pick them up. He was the only one with access to a car. And when he showed up, he didn't seem to be in a good mood. 

"Where am I taking you?" he asked grimly. 

Kellen frowned and helped Jimin into the car. He still hadn't said anything, and it worried her. 

"Just drop us off at my house." she muttered. Her best friend wasn't in a good state, so she had no time for Jungkook's moodiness. Her main priority was getting Jimin somewhere he felt safe, and she knew that he felt better anywhere besides his own home.


Kellen sighed, resting the back of her hand against Jimin's warm forehead. He had passed out as soon as he got into Jungkook's car, which wasn't a good sign. But they just took him to the health clinic, rather than the hospital. 

The nurse said he couldn't really determine what was wrong, but it just seemed like a cold. They gave him a checkup and made sure he was prescribed some medication.

As Kellen searched her purse to pay for Jimin's treatment, Jungkook's ring clad fingers held out money to the nurse.

He didn't want Kellen doing anything for Jimin. It made him angry and sad.

Kellen sighed in disapproval of his attitude, and sat in the corner of the room where Jimin was resting. Taehyung was sitting on Jimin's bed, not wanting to move from his side.

"Why is Taehyung all over your boyfriend?" Jungkook asked, his bad attitude alerting Taehyung.

The older boy gave Kellen a hurt look, but turned away and stared down at Jimin.

Kellen scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "He isn't my boyfriend, Jungkook. Are you really that jealous about Jimin being my best friend?" She asked in disbelief.

"You said you liked him, and I saw how close you were. He was always at your house and always...there."

"Your point is? Jungkook, that's the thing; Jimin is there. He's there...but you aren't." Kellen admitted. "I love you and Jimin both, but in different ways."

Looking away, Jungkook's cheeks were covered with a slight pink blush. He wasn't sure if it was from embarrassment, or because he enjoyed hearing that she loved him. Whatever the reason, Jungkook sat silently beside her with the smallest smile on his lips.  

a/n: grrrr i hate this story tbh. but i also love it idk i'm just a weirdo with an emo soul. thank 

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