Surprise Betch: Epilogue

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^ ugly boy (cue die antwoord)

Anyway hey wassup hello

Here is what happened when Kellen idiotically went to see Jungkook (she's problematic af if u couldn't tell)


Dread is the most basic, yet perfect word to describe what Kellen felt as she drove up to the apartment complex of Jeon Jungkook. Don't ask why I used his full name I just wanted to make this dramatic.

Of course Kellen wondered if he had a girlfriend or maybe just a dog. He was always a dog person so she assumed he probably had a dog. And to calm her nerves she tried picturing the dog in her mind. That, of course, made her feel better than picturing him with a girlfriend.

If Jungkook had finally overcome the pool of depression that he'd spent most of his teenage years in, then of course Kellen would want to get to know him again. If he didn't seem okay, then she would leave him alone. Not because of his illness, but because she still felt at fault for his depression even though she really had no reason to.

Kellen wasn't sure if he was even home, but she wanted to at least have the mindset that she tried to see him. And as she walked around, trying to look for his apartment number, her nerves grew.

"235." She read, looking from her phone to the tan numbers near the door.

Knocking quickly, Kellen stepped away from the door. She completely shied down and waited.


On the other side of the door, Jungkook was sitting in his living room on his laptop. Once he'd heard knocking on the door, a confused expression appeared on his face.

He sighed and closed his laptop. "Should I get up?" He asked himself. The effort of talking to people was too much for him recently, so it was an inner conflict that he had daily.

After a minute, Jungkook finally stood up and walked to the door. He looked through the peephole and sighed.

"She had to come and ruin my day, didn't she?" He mumbled to himself.

Slowly, Jungkook opened the door and let her in his house. He felt bad that she came all the way over.

They both sat on the couch after an awkward hug-handshake mishap. Kellen wouldn't stop staring at the floor afterwards.

"So how are you?" Jungkook asked finally. He wanted her to leave as soon as possible.

Kellen shrugged and looked down at the floor. "I'm alright, thanks. How are you?"

"I'm great."

There was so much heaviness around them, and no matter how much Jungkook tried to seem normal around her, he couldn't do it. He reverted back into an anxious, shaky person, which left the two of them sitting in silence.

"Hey, Jungkook?" The boy looked up at the mention of his name. "I kind of miss hanging out with you." Kellen admitted. She smiled awkwardly and looked at him. "Could we maybe start over? Just as friends. You were such a big part of my life, that now I just want to keep you in it."

Jungkook looked at his palms that had a thin coat of sweat, due to nerves. "Uh, yeah. Sure. That would be cool." He mumbled. "We can start over...for now."


And ok there it is. They don't end up together in my mind, but if you want to imagine that they did, then go right ahead!

Thank you for reading this story and dealing with my emo self.

Catch ya on the flip side, my dudes. I don't even know what that means but it sounds neat-o

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