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"So you've just been hanging out with Taehyung and Jimin?"

Kellen nodded once, "Uh, yeah, basically. They're the only ones who ever want to come over."

Biting his bottom lip, Jungkook crossed his legs. "I would come over...if you'd let me." He said.

Kellen leaned against his arm in a friendly manner and laughed softly. She brushed some hair from her eyes and kept her head down.

Kellen wasn't always a shy person. But around Jungkook, now especially...given their situation, she felt a bit small.

"Won't it be awkward?" Kellen asked honestly, not wanting to look up at him.

Jungkook shrugged slightly and tried to hide his florid cheeks. "I-I don't know. We were friends before we were together, right? We're still friends...I think." He resisted the urge to wrap her in his arms and just hold her.

That's what Kellen wanted. She wanted him to hold onto her and she wanted to be with him for as long as possible.

The boy kept his hands together in his lap, his eyes burning into the floor. He felt nervous and awkward, because he didn't quite remember how to act in front of girls. Especially one he has a lot of history with.

"Hey, remember when we snuck into the community pool at 3AM?"

Jungkook looked over at the girl and found an amused expression on her face.

"Yeah, and security chased us out? Is that when your jeans got caught on the gate we jumped?"

They laughed at the memory, and started a long conversation about all of the adventures they shared.

It was around 8:00, when they finished talking about most of their fun times. Within this time, Kellen had managed to move closer and closer to Jungkook. She now had her head on his lap, and she was looking up at him. It was something she always did when they were together, and it just felt normal for her. And she needed some normalcy.

"Can I see your hand?" She asked.


"I-I promise it's not about that. I was just thinking about that first night we spent outside. When we put our hands against the stars..."

Jungkook pulled his sleeves lower and forced a smile. "I remember." His voice was quieter than before. "Why do you speak so casually about know?" As he mentioned this, his wrist began to itch.

"Because it's not something I can control. It's your decision to do it, and I can't help you. I know it's a normal thing for you to do now." Jungkook heard the disappointment in her voice. "But it does make me sad."

"I'm sorry."

Kellen just nodded and gazed up at him. He was beautiful to her, and it amazed her at how well he kept himself together. When she's sad, she doesn't put forth any effort to look good. But Jungkook managed to look good everyday, even though he's horribly depressed.

They sat together in silence, Jungkook trying to keep himself from playing with her hair.

"It would be weird if I kissed you, right?"

"Kinda, yeah."

"Then I won't."


Kellen felt a little upset that he rejected her, but she understood why. It would make things even more awkward between them, and that's the last thing either of them wanted. It was best to just ease themselves into friendship first.

a/n: hi i'm sorry this is so boring but it's really hard to be friends with your ex and everything is awkward and uncomfortable and i'm sorry i'll leave now

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