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a/n: this is rushed im sorry

"Kellen, come with me. I have a surprise for you." Jimin grabbed her hand. He pulled her to the patio and smiled at her.

She looked at the set up and rolled her eyes. "Jimin, what's with the cute stuff?"

The boy sighed and released her hand. "I know you're still sad, so I thought I should take you out on a date!" He smiled. "But I actually don't have enough money to go out, so I made some food and set up this little house-date." The expression on his face showed how proud he felt with himself.

Kellen pushed his arm softly. "You nerd. You didn't have to do this." She smiled. "But thank you. I really appreciate it."

Jimin nodded and walked her to her seat. "I asked for some help, honestly. I didn't make most of this but I promise it tastes good."

"Alright, Jimin. I'm expecting the best meal ever." She smirked.

"Don't worry, Kel. It's gonna be great. And maybe afterwards, we can go out to the shops with Taehyung." He looked away as he said the boy's name.

"You're blushing!!" Kellen laughed. "I ship you guys so much." She picked up her cup of water and took a sip. Things were looking up now, and she didn't really think about her problems that much anymore.

Of course she still broke down at times. But that was an occasional thing, and she tried to distract herself to avoid that kind of situation.


Jungkook shook his head. "No, I feel great. I'm thankful that I woke up today. And I feel like I've grown a lot in these past few months."

He looked at the nurse in front of him, her slow writing was making him anxious. It was easier than he thought- forcing himself to appear happier. But it was still a slow process that was sometimes frustrating.

He made it his goal to get out of the hospital as soon as possible. And what he had noticed, was the patients who gave positive answers and spoke more, were able to get out before their discharge date. So he took that route too.

Jungkook was feeling better than before though. His state of mind had changed, and he no longer worried about his appearance and his scars. He accepted that things were the way that they were, and he could only focus on the present.

He opened up to his therapist, and was surprised that she understood him. It was scary though. Someone knew exactly how he was feeling and knew how to help him. Jungkook didn't think anyone could help him.

His forced happiness, was becoming somewhat genuine, and he was on his way to being discharged.

a/n: yo yo yo only a few chapters left probably ?? idk yet tbh.

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