cool pt 2

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"Is that Jimin's flannel?" Jungkook's first question threw Kellen off a little.

She nodded and sat on her bed awkwardly. "Yeah, he's over here a lot."

Jungkook just nodded. He was jealous, but tried desperately to hide it. "Oh...okay. Does he, like, ever spend the night?" He questioned.

"Um...sometimes. Only when it's both him and Taehyung though. Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't."

Jungkook's response came out rather harsh. That was something he couldn't really control. He felt a lot of emotions, and couldn't hold them in very well.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to adjust to each other's presence again. They knew it would be a little bit odd at first, but the tension was slowly dissipating as time passed.

"So..." Jungkook started, shifting slightly. "I uh...have you had any boyfriends since we broke up?" He mentally slapped himself for asking such a stupid, personal question.

Kellen scoffed and shrugged. "I've dated a little."

Nodding, Jungkook sat down on the floor by Kellen's bed. He looked up at her from his spot, and almost sighed.

"Have you?"

The boy snapped out of his daze, and looked at his shoes in embarrassment. "I haven't. I think my heart is still stuck with you, to be honest." He said almost subconsciously. His gaze was focused on the way Kellen's leg swung off the edge of the bed. Everything she did seemed to distract him. But Jungkook didn't really mind that. He enjoyed watching Kellen do simple things, like make a cup of coffee, or even just type on her laptop.

There was an indescribable beauty that he found in her actions. Even when they were together, he started taking note on her petiteness.(??) The way her slim, dainty fingers would hold his hand when they walked, and the way she would subconsciously bite her lip when they'd gaze at each other. It was all interesting for the boy, as he had grown up in such a rough and rowdy setting. Her simple, delicate movements and kind smile all brought feelings of ease over him. Kellen made him feel like he had a real home.

The girl bit hard on the inside of her lip. "" She mumbled in response to Jungkook's answer. It made her slightly joyous that he hadn't dated anyone.

After another uncomfortable silence, Jungkook let out an irritated sigh and stood up. He sat on the bed in front of Kellen.

"You know that day when you asked if it would be weird to kiss me?" He asked. Kellen nodded, blushing in embarrassment. "Well I-I kind of want to kiss you right now. Hell, I want to kiss you all the time." His confession made Kellen nervous. "I really miss you."


"I'm sorry. I-I've been trying to get better for you.'s so difficult, but I'm trying. And I realized that I just feel okay when I'm with you." He breathed out. "I am okay when I'm with you."

Kellen looked away and bit her bottom lip. She didn't know how to respond. There was never any thoughts of what she would do if Jungkook did recover enough so they could be together. Because at the time of their breakup, recovery wasn't something very promising in the future. But now that she had him literally sitting in front of was hard to think of anything.

a/n: nice

don't worry my little doritos. i'll make the next chapter better. thank u for reading. i love you. 

also ps these chapters are coming out longer than expected. but das ok. they're not like 15-1600 words like GR !!! and das naise 2 i guess.

and also pss i obviously use the same dumb cliche words from my other stories, so just pointing that out

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