Love Me Again

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I know I hurt you but
Could u love me again
Without knowing, I'm in love with you again
So could u love me again

I didn't know love back then
Baby love me again
baby please please please
Need u love me again


Kellen smiled, looking around at the crowd of people around her. She felt like a nobody mixed in, but that was perfectly fine.

She looked around for Jimin and Taehyung, but assumed they had run off to do whatever together. So she was now alone at a concert she didn't really want to be at.

"Wow, what a nice 21st birthday." She sighed to herself.

The first group performed, then she decided that concerts weren't her thing. It was loud, rowdy, hot, and there were far too many people around her.

As she walked to the exit, she felt a pair of eyes on her. But she just kept walking.


Leaning against the stone wall beside her, Kellen crossed her arms over her chest. It was late, cold, and she had just missed the last bus.

"Please answer." She whispered, holding her cellphone to her ear. Her teeth were chattering, and her arms were peppered with goosebumps.

The sound of Jimin's voicemail evoked a groan of annoyance from her.

"Hey, it's kinda late, don't you think?"

Kellen looked up quickly at the person, then turned away. "Yeah."

" don't seem too happy to see me."

"Oh. Well, I need to get home, I'm sorry."

"Kellen, come on..."

The girl shook her head and forced a tightlipped smile. "Goodnight, Jungkook."

She started walking, listening to the sound of his frustrated sigh.

Jungkook grabbed her wrist and made her turn around. "Let me give you a ride home. It's freezing, and you're only wearing a cardigan and some capris."

Kellen thought for a second, trying to find any reason to get away from him. She couldn't think of anyone who would be willing to come pick her up at 11:40pm on a Tuesday night. And if she walked, it would probably take her an hour and a half to get home.

She tugged her hand away. "Okay, I guess." She mumbled. "How did you even find me?"

Jungkook shrugged. "I was at the concert you just left. I knew it was you when I saw you walking out." He said with a shy smile. "My car is over here, come on."

a/n: i am so sorry

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