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A/n: I'm making this with my friend, @creepakilla so I write the chapters from Moon's POV, and she writes the chapters from Zappy's POV.

Zappy sped into the appropriate cave only just ahead of Moon. He laughed mischievously "I finally bet you! You must be getting old!"

Moon growled, but couldn't suppress a snigger. "You bet me cause I dove down, nutty," she said. "We're the same age, anyway."

Zappy put on a shocked face, trying not to grin. "No way!" he protested. "You're way older than me!"

Moon let loose her silver laugh. "Only by three months, crazy!"

Zappy grinned.

"You done yet?" a small, colourless dragon asked from the corner, a teasing smile on her face. "'T's not good manners to ignore your hosts," she added pompously.

Moon batted the little hatchling lightly.

"We were getting to that, little'un, hold your horses," Zappy grinned. "Or eat them, on second thoughts."

She snorted. "Very funny."

Another NoFlyer scrambled out of his little nest of bedding, yawning loudly. "What are we doing today?" he asked eagerly.

"I was thinking we could go to the Scroll-room," Zappy suggested.

He quite liked the little flightless hatchlings. Partly because he could still vaguely remember being a NoFlyer himself, stuck in the same old cave day after day until his wings grew strong-and big enough-to hold him aloft except for now and then when an older dragon took notice and flew him and Moon down to explore.

The other dragons nodded in agreement, but before they could move, a deep bell-toll rang out.

"Oh no," Moon and Zappy groaned at the same time.

"Time for Hate-Sessions," Zappy added resignedly.

The first little hatchling stared at them curiously. "What're 'Hate-Sessions?'" she asked.

"It's actually school, Fluff," he explained, "but the main subject is how 'awful the other tribe is'."

"A complete load of tripe," Moon rolled her eyes. "Sharpshooters are pretty cool, actually."

"I'll say," Zappy agreed, then grinned. "Just kidding, sometimes I wish I was a Stormrider, especially when Sparkles gets in a mood. Which he usually is," he added. "I'd love to be a bit braver.

Moon beat her wings impatiently. "Come on, we're gonna be late."

Zappy said a quick good-bye to Fluff and Buddy-he always had trouble keeping a straight face over Fluff's name, hoping she wouldn't regret it too badly when she got older-and leapt out of the cave after Moon's departing tail. He spread his wings, feeling the wind from his passage ruffling the small, feather-like scales on them, and tried to keep up.

A minute or two later they swooped through the wide hall into a smaller cave, hurriedly chomped down a little food and sped away toward the class-rooms.

* * * * * * * *

Zappy touched down in a plain stone hall and darted into the cave on the left-Moon went right. He made his way to his own specific corner, weaving among the other young dragons, and sat sheepishly, trying to ignore the NoColour teacher's glare.

The NoColour teachers, or Egg-Guardians, stayed colourless unlike most dragons, and were sort of their own tribe. There didn't seem to be any set pattern as to what eggs hatched them when. It was random.

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