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Zappy felt a shudder rippling along his strong bronze length—and it wasn't from the temperature. The wind was chill, yes, but the fire brewing within him kept him warm. It was fear that made him tremble.





Horrendous death-screams ripped through the air. Bloodthirsty roars and bellows. Wails of those whose loved ones had passed into the beyond. The crackle of fire; the tearing rip of talons shearing through scales and sensitive wing-membrane; the crunch of teeth on bone; the ominous thud of cludets on impact; a metallic shing—usually followed by a scream of pain—from the Sharpshooters' blades.

Zappy sloped a wing to glide another circle and flicked a scaly ear in irritation and horror, wishing he could drown the sights and sounds out from his senses.

He glanced over at Moon. The purple dragon was trembling harder than he was; she looked sick. She nearly looked—insane. The wild light he had seen when she'd attacked him kept flickering in and out of her golden eyes. There one second, gone the next.

He beat his wings and swooped toward her.

"You okay?"

She didn't seem to hear, so he reached out and grasped her wing. "Moon! Are you alright?"

She started and whipped away from him, baring her fangs; he showed her his sclaws, grinning. "Just me."

Moon relaxed slightly and the madness went out of her eyes, but she still looked deathly afraid.

"I—can't do it, Zappy," she gulped. "It's—I'll—this will kill me. Or it'll overcome me, and I'll become my worst nightmare. Zappy—" A lone tear rolled down her snout, and Zappy saw their companions give them room to talk privately.

"Moon," he said, and wiped her tear away. "You'll never be a monster. No matter what you do, no matter how many you kill, you will always be my sister—and I'll come for you, Moon. I'll bring you back. I promise."

The haunted look slowly drained out of her gaze and she nodded slowly. "I understand," she said. "Thank you, Zappy. I'll hold you to that."

Zappy smiled and pressed his forehead against hers; embracing the feel of his sister's scales rubbing on his own. "Now let's go stop the war," he said grimly.

Moon flapped back slightly and nodded, determined to stop the killing; stop the slaughter. She glanced down and he saw her scales pale.

"Moon!" he barked desperately, grabbing at her foreleg. "Don't do it, Moon. Fight it!"

She snatched her leg away, still avoiding his gaze. "Zappy," she said quietly. "Zappy! Isn't that your Mum?" she cried.

Zappy felt his heart leap into his throat and twisted upside down in his worry. He felt sick at what he saw. "It is," he murmured. "And—she's heading for—"

"Father!" Moon screeched. She began trembling as Zappy flipped up the right way to gape at her.

"What? That's Bloodfang?! They were nest-mates! Oh, this is bad."

"What?" Moon growled, and Zappy saw a gleam of anger flash momentarily in her golden eyes. "He hates me because you're a Sharpshooter." She snarled murderously.

Zappy was taken aback.

"But—" He paused. "Be careful, Moon," he said finally.

She nodded.

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