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Moon winged into her cave, and glanced around. Zappy's nest had already been cleared away, and she sighed, another reminded that her best friend was gone. A tear dripped from her eye, splashing on the ground beside her claws.

The sound of wing beats made her look up, and her heart sank as she saw Sparkles fly towards her.

The black dragon landed on the ledge outside her cave and scowled at her, the large scratch Zappy had given him covered with a bandage.

"You're going to pay for what your friend did," he growled, deep in his throat. "You both will."

He scowled, and leapt at her, his claws out. Moon squeaked, and dodged aside, causing Sparkles to fly past. He spread his wings, stopping himself before he hit the cave wall.

Moon spread her wings and a plume of smoke escaped her nose. Fire was billowing inside her, wanting to get out.

"Leave, Sparkles," she growled.

"Not until I give you a scar like you gave me."

"I'd like to see you try."

The two young dragon circled, wings out and fangs bared. Sparkles swung his tail, and Moon jumped back, the large circular piece of bone on it made a nasty cudgel.

Suddenly, a loud roar sounded, followed by a call.


Sparkles hissed.

"I'll get you later, Sharpshooter," he growled, diving off the cave ledge. Moon followed more slowly.

A large crowd was gathering on the ledge in front of the great stone. Towering over all the hatchling were two dragons, a yellow dragon, examining her claws, and a huge black dragon, bigger then any dragon Moon has seen before.

Dragons of all colours where gathering, curious NoColours and Egg-Guardians, Stormriders who had been called.

Moon joined the throng as Cricket flew up excitedly.

"Are we going? I want to go! Let's go! Let's go, let's go!"

"Wait Cricket," Moon hissed.

The little dragon flopped down and rested his head on his paws.

The yellow dragon was handing eggs over to Beam, who was passing them to young Egg-Guardians who flew off with them. The black dragon was talking to another Egg-Guardian, who was nodded and pointing to dragons in the crowd. Moon was surprised when his talons pointed to her.

The black dragon nodded once, then straightened up.

"All right, listen up you lazy lumps," he bellowed. "You are coming with me, and you will listen to me! If anyone, and I mean anyone, doesn't listen, I will personally through him off a cliff with his wings tied to his back. Is that understood!?"

Murmurs of agreement sounded from the crowd.

"Yes sir, understood sir!" everyone shouted.

"That's better," he muttered. "My name is Bloodfang. I will be your fight instructor."

The yellow dragon glanced up.

"I'm Sweetclaw, I shall be your flight instructor. Now let's go before the evening winds start up. You hatchling will never survive them." She gave her claw a lick and padded outside.

"Let's go," Bloodfang growled, and turned, leaving the cave.

Moon followed the twenty or so young dragons, Cricket beside her. Bloodfang and Sweetclaw stood at the exit of the cave, watching as the hatchlings past them. As Moon and Cricket passed, Bloodfang stepped in front of them.

"He doesn't have colour," Bloodfang growled.

"Yes I do!" Cricket cried, turning to show the small patch of red. "I'm red!"

Bloodfang frowned, then shook his head.
"You don't have enough colour. We'll fetch you next time."

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