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Thud. Thud. Thud.

Moon could feel the blood rushing through her head; her heart beating, pushing blood through her aching body.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

And Zappy was unconscious – Maybe dead.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

She felt like she was looking through a very long tunnel, watching the battle around her as if she was someone else.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The last few minutes had passed in a blur, she had barely time to register what had happened. Obsidian had attacked; she had been pinned down, and then... Zappy was there.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

And Zappy was unconscious – maybe dead.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

And she had killed Obsidian. Her last family, slain by her claws. She looked down at her claws, stained with the blood of those she had killed, of her family.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Tears filled her red-flecked eye. She just wanted it to stop! The pain, the death, the war. She wanted to be safe. To be happy.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

And Zappy was unconscious – maybe dead!

Thud. Thud. Thud.

She felt lost, alone, scared. She felt like a tiny hatchling, only just out of the egg. Except this time Zappy wasn't beside her.

"Well. Perhaps now we can finish what is long over due."

The familiar voice dragged her mind back to reality, and she looked up, seeing Fang standing before her, the slightly smaller dragon's wings spread menacingly, blood dripping from the wounds he had acquired in his fight with Zappy.

"Please Fang. Just stop it," she whispered. "I don't want to fight anymore. I never want to fight again."

Her head was aching, and she was weak from blood loss. She just wanted to sleep. But she knew she couldn't. If she closed her eye she would sleep – yes – but she would never wake again.

And Zappy was unconscious – maybe dead.

"Pathetic!" Fang snapped. "Come on Luna. Do what you were born to do. You are a dragon after all."

"My name is not Luna," Moon hissed, swishing her tail. Finally she understood. This was one fight she couldn't avoid. She had been putting it off for so long, but she knew that this was the finale fight. Either way, after this, the war would be over for her.

Fang noticed the change in her manner and smiled, baring his poisonous fangs.

They circled, their wings up and snarling. Each determined to win. As they did, groups of dragons around them began to stop fighting, slowing and turning to watch Moon and Fang. It was as if they could sense that this was the deciding fight.

"Thousands of years of war, and its all down to me to bring peace. With another death," Moon thought.

And Zappy was unconscious – maybe dead.

Suddenly, Fang lunged, and she couldn't think of anything else but survival.

She dove to one side, narrowly avoiding his fangs and claws. Spinning, she lunged out, feeling her claws strike his scales.

With a growl, he leaped; dodging the flames she sent his way. He landed on her, pushing her to the ground.

Squirming, Moon snapped at his neck, trying to add to the wound Zappy had given him. But Fang pinned her down, snarling.

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